
At four fifty-five, after a nice long nap on the couch, I knocked on Josh's door.

"It's open," he shouted from inside.

Of course it was. As I went in, I tried not to think about earlier when I'd broken into his apartment. God, what the hell was wrong with me?

His big dog ran up to me, rubbing against my leg, clearly wanting a pet. "What's your dog's name again?" I asked loudly, not sure where Josh was.

I heard noises in the kitchen. "Magic."

Laughing, I said, "As in Magic Johnson?"

Josh came around the corner then. "Of course. Who else?"

But I didn't hear a word he said because a hot, naked chest stared at me right in the face. Well, it didn't stare at me. More like I stared at it.

"Um," I said, gesturing towards him as he grabbed a few things from the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, sorry. I have a superstition to not wear a shirt while watching baseball games."

I cracked up. "That's ridiculous. It doesn't seem like it's exactly working for you, does it?"

He grinned at me then placed some bowls on the coffee table. "Not yet. Not yet."

Great. So I was watching the game with a shirtless Josh. I knew Devon would not like that one bit. When I talked to him later, I'd just omit that little detail. It was really no big deal to me.

I kept petting Magic, realizing that he or she was a super sweet dog. "Is Magic a boy or girl?"

"A boy." Josh smirked while walking past me towards the kitchen. "Definitely a boy."

Rolling my eyes, I moved towards the couch and took a seat, Magic following me closely. I'd forgotten how nice it could be to have a dog around.

"Hey, do me a favor?" Josh asked from the kitchen. "Can you turn on the TV? Don't want to miss the beginning."

"Sure. Yeah." I spotted the remote on the coffee table and figured out how to turn it on.

Looking at the table in front of me, I noticed a huge bowl of popcorn and another with peanuts. So incredibly typical. But also kind of cute.

The TV came on, and I gasped at what I saw. Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey were front and center on Josh's big television, almost about to kiss.

"What?" Josh said, his voice growing closer as he rounded the corner. "What is it?"

But I couldn't answer, my eyes glued to the screen in disbelief. What kind of awful omen was this? Turning on the TV to see this movie.

"Jessica?" Josh's worried tone finally caught my attention, and I turned towards him as he sat on the couch a few feet away from me, his face full of concern.

"This movie," I whispered.

He looked at the TV, his brows drawn together. "Yeah? What about it?" He grabbed the remote from me and changed the channel like the scariest horror movie in the world had been on the screen.

But to me, at this particular moment, The Wedding Planner wasworse than any horror show. "It's—it's..."

"You're kind of creeping me out. Take a breath, bro, and have a beer." He gestured towards the coffee table where a bottle of Pacifico sat in front of me, complete with a lime wedge stuffed into the neck.

Whoa, that was my all-time favorite beer. And with lime? It was heaven.

Looking at Josh, I picked up my bottle, and he clinked his beer to mine. "To the Dodgers," he said.