Page 119 of The Crush Next Door


One year later...

Well, damn. That week of clomping around the apartment in heels had helped a little, but I still had to hold onto Josh with all my strength as we approached the security area before the red carpet, the hot summer sun blazing down on us, making me glad I'd splurged for a hairstylist who'd given me an updo.

And I'd also had the foresight to keep my dress simple and sleek, sleeveless to show off my newly toned arms thanks to Josh and this routine we'd fallen into the past year.

Yeah, it hadn't taken long for me to move into his place after all. Once we'd admitted our feelings, we'd spent every single night together... and most of the day too now that our podcast had taken off and I'd quit my former job.

Thank you very, very much, Matt Blaze!

In the morning, Josh and I would run and work out together. I still didn't have six-pack abs like my man, but that was cool. And then, after some sexy times and a hot shower, we'd usually go record our podcast. Or depending on what was going on in the sports world, we'd go later in the day or even sometimes in the evening.

Part of the day, we'd spend apart, one of us going to the coffee shop around the corner or running errands because we both realized we also needed some time away from each other. Too much of a good thing and all that.

Amazingly, Josh was the first guy I'd been with that I could say that to and not have him be offended. We all needed "me time," and Josh was confident enough to give it to me. And I gave it right back to him.

It made the coming together that much sweeter. Oh, so fucking sweet.

And while we were apart, Josh would write and I would work on the business aspect of our podcast, which now that we were big took some time. In this past year, I'd felt so incredibly fulfilled in more ways than one.

I loved my man. I loved my job. And I had my whole family again.

It was unreal how different my life was now. Jess from a year ago would be shocked to see it. Sometimes, I still couldn't believe it.

And now, here we were at the ESPY Awards, about to walk the red carpet, while I tried not to gawk too much at all the athletes who were larger than life. Seriously, I couldn't get over how big and tall everyone was. Geez, I felt like such a shrimp.

But Josh fit right in, of course, my hot baseball player. Not that he was a pro or anything. But he did play with his friends on a regular basis and had even joined a local league for the summer.

Watching Josh play baseball did something to me or, to be more accurate, my ovaries. I could totally picture Josh with our kids someday, patiently teaching them to catch and throw, that big smile on his sunny face. Or maybe even coaching someday.

Oh, God, I couldn't even take it. The thought alone gave me such a happy heart, a quick squeeze taking over my chest as we passed through security to join the masses on the other side.

The outside scene had just been a prelude because this... this was incredible. Everywhere I looked, I was starstruck.

What exactly were we doing here?

I knew we weren't all that. But Josh had pulled some strings to get us in, and I definitely wasn't going to say no to that. Sure, would I rather cuddle up on the couch with my shirtless, hot boyfriend and watch baseball? Definitely.

But every once in a while, it was nice to dress up and get out into this great city to enjoy big events like this.

Soaking it all in, I clung to Josh even harder, grateful for his strength, his never-ending support.

"You ready to do this thing?" he asked, grinning down at me.

I glanced at the athletes posing and smizing in front of the cameras. "We're seriously going to walk the red carpet?"

He shrugged. "Why not?"

"People don't know us. Maybe our voices, but not us really."

"So what? Let's just pretend and have fun," Josh said, not really giving me much of a choice as he moved directly toward the carpet.

"You know I can't let go of you, right?" I complained.

"Oh, I know." Josh smirked down at me. "I think you might need to get rid of some flip-flops and wear heels more often."

I squeezed his arm a little harder than necessary while he chuckled and led the way. Once we were on the carpet, it was fun, I had to admit, and we both grinned and posed our asses off for the cameras that clicked away in front of us.