Page 101 of The Crush Next Door

Josh halted, stopping me as well, and I dared to look at him. Would he be okay with it? Or would he be pissed?

But I couldn't tell by his blank expression.

"Baseball? We're playing baseball?" he asked.

Oh, shit.

"Yeah? I mean, if that's cool. If you want to. If you don't—if you don't, well, we could just—"

"Jess," he said in a low voice as I stared at him, waiting for his answer.

He didn't speak for a minute, taking in the field, the sun shining brightly on the white bases and green outfield, his friends busy unloading bats and balls near home plate.

Oh, my God. The suspense was killing me. Would he hate me? Had I pushed him too far with this?

My throat suddenly dry, I still watched him, and to my shock, a small smile began to curve up those full lips of his.

"It's cool," he whispered.

I let out an uneven breath. "You sure?"

Finally, his eyes moved away from the field, and he turned to me once again. "I'm sure."

Wow. I couldn't draw any air into my lungs for a moment as his eyes penetrated me. At the same time, his thumb began to caress my hand, and every cell in my body seemed to catch fire.

"I'm sure," he repeated, still staring at me.

Uh, what were we talking about again?

"Josh!" someone shouted. "The Josh man is here!"

James walked by us, carrying a big cooler. "Your girl wanted to play slosh ball. But, you know, it's kind of hard to sneak a keg onto second base. So a compromise..."

He shook the cooler a bit and all we heard was ice sloshing around inside, making us laugh.

"Oh, boy," Josh said, a huge grin on his face. "This should be fun."

And with that, we headed towards the field, hand in hand, the sun beating down on us like the universe was giving us its blessing to move forward, away from the past, and into a new future.