WHEN HARRY FLINT reached the border checkpoint, the patrol H guard was waiting.

"Step out of the car, please." "I haven't time for that," Flint said. "I'm in a hurry. I have to-" "Step out of the car." Flint looked at him. "Why? What's the problem?" "We have a report that a car with this license number has been smuggling drugs.

We're going to have to take the car apart." Flint glared at him. "Are you crazy? I told you, I'm in a hurry. Drugs were never smuggled-?" He stopped and smiled. "I get it." He reached in his pocket and handed the guard a hundred-dollar bill.

"Here you are. Take this and forget about it." The border guard called out, "Jose!" A uniformed captain approached. The border guard handed him the hundred-dollar bill.

"This is an attempted bribe." The captain said to Flint, "Remove yourself from the car. You are under arrest for bribery. Pull over to that lot-" "No. You can't arrest me now. I'm in the middle of-" "And resisting arrest." He turned to the guard. "Call for a backup." Flint looked ahead at the highway and took a deep breath. The Peugeot was out of sight.

Flint turned to the captain. "I have to make a phone call."

* * *

AS DIANE AND Kelly sped through the French countryside, the flat central plateau of the Castilian meseta began to break up into the foothills of the Pyrenees and the Sierra de Urbasa.

Diane spoke. "You said you had a friend in Paris?" "Yes. Sam Meadows. He worked with Mark. I have a feeling he can help us." Kelly reached into her purse, took out her new cell phone, and dialed a number in Paris.

An operator said, "KIG."

"Could I speak to Sam Meadows, please?"

A minute later, Kelly heard his voice.

"Hello." "Sam, it's Kelly. I'm on my way to Paris." "My God! I've been worried sick about you. Are you all right?" Kelly hesitated. "I think so." "This is a nightmare," Sam Meadows said. "I still can't believe it." Neither can I, Kelly thought. "Sam, I have to tell you something. I believe Mark was murdered." Sam Meadows's answer sent a chill through her. "So do I." Kelly was finding it difficult to speak. "I have to know what happened. Can you help me?" "I don't think it's something we should discuss on the phone, Kelly." He was trying to make his voice sound very casual.

"I-I understand." "Why don't we talk about it tonight? We can have dinner at my place.


"Seven o'clock?"

"I'll be there," Kelly said.

Kelly ended the call. "I'm going to get some answers tonight." "While you're doing that, I'm going to fly to Berlin and talk to people who worked with Franz Verbrugge." Kelly was suddenly silent.

Diane glanced at her. "What's the matter?" "Nothing. It's just that we're-we're such a great team. I hate for us to split up. Why don't we go to Paris together and then-?" Diane smiled. "We're not splitting up, Kelly. When you're through talking to Sam Meadows, you call me. We can meet in Berlin. I should have some information by then. We have our cell phones. We can stay in touch. I'm eager to hear what you're going to learn tonight." They had reached Paris.

Diane glanced in the rearview mirror. "No Citroen. We've finally lost him. Where do you want me to take you?" Kelly looked out the window. They were nearing la Place de la Concorde.

"Diane, why don't you turn the car in and be on your way? I can get a taxi here." "Are you sure, partner?" "I'm sure, partner." "Be careful." You,too.

* * *

TWO MINUTES LATER, Kelly was in a taxi, on the way to her apartment, eagerly looking forward to going home again. In a short while, she would meet Sam Meadows at his apartment for dinner.

When the taxi pulled up in front of Kelly's apartment building, she felt a deep sense of relief. She was home. The doorman opened the door.

Kelly looked up and started to say, "I'm back, Martin-" and stopped. The doorman was a complete stranger.

"Good evening, madame."

"Good evening. Where is Martin?"

"Martin no longer works here. He quit."

Kelly was taken aback. "Oh. I'm sorry." "Please, madame, allow me to introduce myself. I am Jerome Malo." Kelly nodded.

She walked into the lobby. A tall, thin stranger was standing behind the reception desk, next to Nicole Paradis.

The stranger smiled. "Good evening, Madame Harris. We have been expecting you. I am Alphonse Girouard, the concierge." Kelly looked around, puzzled. "Where's Philippe Cendre?" "Ah. Philippe and his family moved to somewhere in Spain." He shrugged. "Some business deal, I believe." Kelly felt a growing sudden sense of alarm. "And their daughter?" "She left with them." Did I tell you that my daughter has been accepted at the Sorbonne? It's a dream come true.

Kelly tried to keep her voice steady. "When did they leave?" "A few days ago, but please, do not worry, madame. You will be taken good care of. Your apartment is all ready for you." Nicole Paradis, sitting at her desk, looked up. "Welcome home." But her eyes were saying something else.

"Where is Angel?" "Oh, your little dog? Philippe took her with him." Kelly was fighting a wave of panic. She was having trouble breathing.

"Shall we go now, madame? We have a little surprise for you in your apartment." I'll bet you have. Kelly's mind was racing. "Yes, just one minute," Kelly said.

"There's something

I forgot to pick up." Before Girouard could say anything, Kelly was outside, hurrying down the street.

Jerome Malo and Alphonse Girouard stood on the sidewalk, looking after her.

Caught off guard, it was too late to stop her. They watched her get into a taxi.

My God! What have they done with Philippe and his family, and with Angel? Kelly wondered.

"Where to, mademoiselle?" "Just drive!" Tonight I'm going to find out what's behind all this, Kelly thought.

* * *

IN HIS APARTMENT, Sam Meadows was finishing a phone conversation. "Yes, I understand how important it is. It will be taken care of?I'm expecting her in a few minutes for dinner?

Yes?I've already arranged for someone to dispose of her body?Thank you. That's very generous of you, Mr. Kingsley." As Sam Meadows replaced the receiver, he looked at his watch.

His dinner guest was due to arrive any minute.