Page 68 of Firsts

“I’ll talk to him. I just want to hang out with you. That’s all.”

He’s misinterpreting my apprehension for concern that my cousin won’t like us hanging out. But honestly, my feelings are a mess. Going out with someone else won’t fix it.

“Radcliff,” a guy cheers.

That gives me a jolt. I look behind, skin tingling as Reid makes his way to the area. He greets his friends and pauses to chat with them.

“I texted him that you’re here,” Mark says, making me turn back to him. He has a searching look in his soft blue eyes.

“Oh.” I play it cool. “He was super protective when we were kids. He probably wants to make sure I’m all right.”

“I bet.” He squints at me. “Since he showed, I’ll see if he’s cool with me asking you out.”

“Don’t.” I reach for his arm to stop him. “I mean, it’s not up to him.” I glance over at Reid. His expression is taut, eyes glaring at my hand.

I pull away from Mark fast.

“Understood,” he says. “You’re interested in someone else.” He flashes a wink when I scowl, straightens from beside me, and walks over to Reid, inserting himself in the conversation with the guys.

Reid’s unraveling gaze stays fastened on me. It stirs an impeccable sensation that has me remembering both times he made me come. I hear my whimpers even now.

A cocky look forms on his face as if he knows what he’s doing to me.

I can’t let him seduce me with his sexy, panty-dropping hazel eyes and charming smile.

Somehow, I manage to break the connection and turn my head, calming my racing heart. I rejoin the girls in their chit-chat and finish my burger and drink.

We head out for another swim, play games, and relax for the rest of the day. As evening falls, we start packing up to leave.

“Riding back with Reid?” Michelle confirms.

“Yeah.” I glance over my shoulder at him. He hasn’t said a word since arriving, but I’ve caught his penetrating gaze on me many times.

“We’ll hang out again soon,” Nichole insists.

I watch as they walk up to the trees, taking the path to the parking area.

Reid and Mark stop talking as I mosey over.

“I’ll see you guys,” Mark says before leaving.

I swallow and ask softly, “Ready to go?”

He stares at me without speaking for a few beats, then says, “Don’t touch him again. Don’t touch other guys.”

“Reid…” I look around to make sure no one’s in earshot. “We talked about that.”

“You’re still fighting it?” He steps forward. “You came on my hand. Twice. So drop the bullshit.”

“Christ.” I rub my forehead. “It was wrong.”

“No, it wasn’t. Cassie, there’s something between us. You know there is.”

“I’ll be at the car.” I storm past him, clutching my bag tightly.

Reid unlocks the car for me to get in, and I set the bag on my lap once I settle inside.

He peels off from the area, taking the long way back to Fairfield.