Page 50 of Firsts

He tries to brush her away, so she’s not so close to him, looking at me afterward.

“I scored a VIP section up top,” Mark says and motions for us to follow him.

As we pile into the area, he flirts with a waitress, and from her pink cheeks and fluttering eyes, I assume they’ve encountered before.

“Drinks are incoming,” he says proudly after she walks away.

Everyone settles on the velvet seats. Reid ensures I have a spot beside him, and Bristol makes it her mission to take the seat on his left.

“Cute dress,” she remarks with a slow glide over my attire, twisting her nose as if she smells shit. “My little sister has the same one. She’s twelve.”

“Look, you—”

“Either knock it off or leave,” Reid warns her. “And stop touching me.”

Bristol rolls her eyes at me and shifts on her seat, turning to the brunette and one of the guys.

Reid focuses on me, saying softly, “Ignore her. You look great. Beautiful.”

His compliment erases Bristol’s mockery. It sweeps across my skin in heated strokes. Leaving me so mushy inside that my voice sounds nervous when I tell him, “Thank you.”

He smiles in return and places his hand over mine. I look down, taking a deep swallow before lifting my eyes to his again.

“So, what were you two up to today?” Mark inquires.

“Went on a helicopter tour.” I’m beaming even now while speaking. “We checked out Candlewood Lake. It was nice.” I glance at Reid.

He smirks.

“Love those,” Michelle throws in. “You should do one at Lake Saltonstall. That’s another great area.”

“Will do.”

“Yes!” Mark claps when the waitress returns with a whole tray of drinks. “Here we go!”

My stomach plunges when Reid moves his hand.

Everyone reaches for drinks as the waitress sets the tray on the table. Reid clutches mine before I get the chance to pick it up. He chugs it and finishes his glass as well.

“Ugh. Hey.”

“No alcohol for you,” he decides and tells the waitress, “Seltzer water, please.”

I click my tongue. “What about you? You’re the one driving.”

He shakes his head and says, “You are.”

My body warms at the thought of driving his car.

“You never let me do that,” Bristol points out with a whine. Her voice is so damn annoying. I don’t know how Reid put up with her before.

He scoffs at her. “Why would I?”

She utters a pissed sound and nails me with a glare. If looks could kill, I’d be dead.

Jealousy spurts unexpectedly as she touches his shoulder. “Reid, I miss you.”

He sighs, seeming exasperated with her attempts. “Bristol, we talked about this already.”