Page 121 of Firsts


Someone knocks on my door, ceasing the array of thoughts creating chaos in my head.

“Honey?” Mom calls out.

I hop up from the bed and go over to let her into the room.

Entering, she comforts me with her snug embrace. “Your aunt feels bad that you’re upset.”

“Sure she does,” I grumble against her. “Did you know about the will?”

Mom eases me back to look at me. “No. And if you’d stayed, you would have heard her explanation.”

I scowl. “What do you mean?”

“Well, she managed to find a way to change that particular twist in the will. She needs you to sign some papers.”


“Mmhm.” She brushes my cheek affectionately. “That’s what she was trying to tell you.”

“Still, it doesn’t take away from the fact that Aunt Helena was deceptive with her invitation.”

Mom frowns. “Deceptive is a lot. I think she’s a mother willing to do whatever for her son. Helena fought hard for Jeffrey senior to accept Reid. As a mom, I understand her heart.” She squeezes me against her side. “Reid truly loves you. You love him, too.”

I squint at her.

She snorts. “It’s in the eyes. I noticed it at breakfast because I was paying attention long enough. Just now, he said he’d give up everything for you.”

“He said that?” I mutter, fighting back a smile.

Mom jerks me. “Come on. Let’s go back before they kill each other.”

We head downstairs, finding Dad and Aunt Helena sitting quietly in the living room.

Both rise at our approach.

“Cassie,” Aunt Helena starts, voice soft. “I’m sorry that—”

“It’s okay,” I stop her. “I get it.”

She sighs. “The papers are in my office. I’ll have my lawyer stop by when you’re ready.” She reaches for my hand.

I hesitate for a moment before holding it.

“You’re such a beautiful person, Cassie,” she says with a smile. “I love you dearly.”

That melts my heart. “I love you too, Aunt Helena.”

She wraps her arms around me, squeezing a bit before letting go. “Reid’s outside.”

Dad comes before me, stopping me from walking out the patio door. “Look, Cassie—”

“Dad, please,” I implore. “It’s my choice.”

A low rumble leaves his chest. “Cassie, he’s your cousin. You’re family.”

“I know what we are,” I say firmly. “It’s still my choice. It’s what my heart wants.”