Page 63 of Firsts

Nichole shakes her head. “I’ll go with you. I need to pee.”

“Um, I’ll be out here. I’m going to make a call.”

As they walk inside, I wander a few feet away until the voices and music aren’t too loud for me to call Logan.

He answers right away. “Wow. Two days later.”

“I know. Sorry. It slipped my mind.”

That prompts a low hum. “Huh. I hear music.”

“I’m at a neighbor’s party with Reid. Remembered I didn’t call you back and stepped away to do so.”

“Must be having a blast there.”

Yeah, I’m swarmed with dirty desire for Reid and can’t think about anything else.

I shrug it off. “Anyway, was there something you wanted to talk about the other day?”

“Not really. I just wanted to call you.”

“Oh.” Reid’s words fill my head. “Um, Logan, we don’t have to talk so frequently.”

“What?” He blurts a short laugh. “First of all, I don’t call you that often. Second, is that a bad thing? We’re best friends. We saw each other every day.”

I frown. “It’s just that it’s only been two weeks.”

Logan falls quiet, his low huffing incessant.

“Lo? You’re not mad, are you? I’m only saying—”

“It’s cool,” he tells me, but I catch the hurt in his voice. “I get it. I’ll stop calling so much.”

“Logan, hey—”

“It’s fine, Cass. Have fun at the party.” The line goes dead.


Deciding to call him in the morning to clear it up, I stick the phone back into my clutch and walk inside the house, leaving my near-empty can in the kitchen.

Michelle and Nichole aren’t around. But it’s not them my eyes are seeking in the chockful house.

Finally spotting Reid with his friends, my body seems to come alive. As if he senses me, he flicks across and meets my gaze. Then he says something to the guys and starts to walk over.

My stomach tightens when Bristol appears from the passage and reaches for his arm.

She has a partial smile while talking to him, and though he’s keeping a straight face, a bitter feeling starts to rise in my veins.

Seeing her touch him, talk to him, riles me up, and I don’t even have the right. I just can’t dispel the force of jealousy submerging my body.

Why isn’t he turning her away?

Are they getting back together?

I storm over to the door, cut my eyes at Reid, and hurry from the house, marching down the sidewalk.

“Cassie!” Reid shouts after me within seconds.