Page 55 of Firsts


He doesn’t remember.

Part of me is relieved, while another side wishes he recalled holding me and kissing my neck. Not to mention he came close to touching me between my legs.

I still can’t believe that intimate dance happened and that I masturbated with thoughts of Reid. I’m not even feeling the least bit guilty about it either.

Christ. It’s good that he didn’t realize what he was doing. I need to remember he’s my cousin and not just another guy. The whole point of my visit is to reconnect with him, not gyrate on his crotch on a dancefloor.

I haul a romper over my swimsuit, slide on low sneakers, stick my phone in the small backpack with a towel, and go downstairs.

As I step outside, expecting to see the Jaguar, a gasp slips out when I realize what’s waiting for me at the gates.

“No way I’m getting on that thing.” Eyes stretched wide, I walk up to Reid and splay my hands. “What is this?”

Blatant pride curtains his face as he speaks. “My BMW M 1000 RR. Max speed—”

“I don’t need the specs, sir. What are you doing with a bike? These things are dangerous.”

“So are cars. So is a skateboard. So is walking.” He straightens from the bike and hands me one of the helmets. “Aren’t you the girl who said she never backs down from anything?” His eyes and tone are challenging.

And just like that, my stance melts for him.

“Fine.” I grab the helmet, adding, “No speeding.”

Reid chuckles. “Where’s the fun in that?”

“Geez.” I groan at his reckless response and put on the helmet.

Fixing his helmet on his head, he hops over and starts the bike. I wince as it revs to life.

He looks at me, urging, “Come on.”

After a beat, I climb over to sit behind him.

A hot sensation slithers down my spine as Reid grips my hands and encloses them around his waist. “Hold on tight, or you’ll fall.”

I tighten my arms on him and hope he doesn’t notice my shudder as a surge of lust consumes my body from our closeness. It slingshots me back to the night before, to the aroused feeling from dancing with him.

God. Forgive me for this sinful desire.

Reid presses the button to open the gates. Once they do, he flies down the long entrance, and I clutch him harder as he swerves onto the main.

The wind lashes at my back as he rides along the scenic road. Being on this iron horse with him certainly has my heart galloping.

I lessen the internal restraints and allow myself to enjoy the moment. The feeling is as liberating as the fresh air filling my lungs. I’m not merely gripping my cousin. I’m holding the guy I’m attracted to and loving the intimate waves.

Reid rides past a field of tulips that seem to go on forever. He turns off the main and onto a private road, passing a picturesque area. In another few minutes, we emerge at a secluded cove.

He slows to a stop in the grassy clearing, and I’m surprised by my disappointment in having to let him go.

When we remove our helmets, Reid stares at me in a way that my filthy mind interprets as yearning.

But that can’t be. My cousin doesn’t want me.

Well, only when he’s been drinking, I suppose. Then again, a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts. In his case, the alcohol might have allowed him the confidence to act out his thoughts.

I can’t forget how he looked at me when I returned to the VIP area. He seemed anxious, worried. Not regretful, though.