Page 1 of Firsts


A pleasant vibe immerses me as I enter the house as if something unexpected happened. That feeling heightens when Mom and Dad jump up from the sofa after I close the front door.

“Hey, honey,” Mom welcomes in an upbeat tone.

“What’s going on?” I lean my skateboard at the entry table and stride into the living room. “You guys seem pleased about something.”

They’re practically bouncing in place while exchanging smiles.

“I just got off the phone with Helena,” Dad says.

The name stirs such a flood of surprise, making me confirm, “As in Aunt Helena?”

“Yeah,” he laughs out and messes with his hair. I’m starting to see more gray among the reddish-brown of late. “We talked for a while,” he adds. “No arguing.”

“Wow, that’s great. I’m glad you finally had a conversation. It’s been so long.”

He nods in agreement, saying, “It has.”

Mom leans into him, features brightening even more as she touches his arm.

“Uh, Helena asked about you,” Dad continues. “She would love it if you spent the summer with her and Reid.”

Instantly, a montage of memories flips through my mind, and it’s only of my cousin. His shaggy blonde hair. Those magical hazel eyes where the gold sparkles when he’s focused or excited. And his heartfelt and contagious laugh.

I’ve missed him so much and have yearned for our reunion for so long.

“Seriously?” The organ in my chest is barreling from the news.

“Mmhm.” The umber hue of Mom’s eyes gleams with her dimpled smile. “She invited us too, but we’re busy with work and can’t take the time.”

“I told her we’d visit your last weekend there,” Dad explains. “What do you say, sweetie?” A pinch forms between his thick brows as he adds, “I know it’s been hard all these years, not growing up with Reid or learning about your aunt.”

“You weren’t on speaking terms, and you went through a lot with Grandfather, so it’s understandable.” I splay my hands. “Honestly, I’d love to go. I miss Reid so much.”

He flicks to my beaming Mom, relief evident in his appearance and something else I can’t pinpoint.

“So, when does Aunt Helena want me to visit?” I ask.

“Monday morning,” Dad answers after a harrumph.

I stretch my eyes wide, confirming, “Tomorrow?”

He chuckles. “It’s fast, but Helena is thrilled to have you. She thought it’d be nice to spend the three months getting to know them. She’ll have the flight taken care of once I text her.”

“Wow.” I dare not waste a moment considering it. I’m too eager to see my cousin again. “Yeah, sounds good.” I follow with a laugh. “I still can’t believe it.”

“Hm,” Dad hums and looks down, probably remembering the day he’d reached a boiling point with his father and left the estate infuriated, vowing never to return.

“Did you talk to Reid? Did you get his number so I could text or call him?”

The slight wilting of his face and the low sigh answer me before he says, “No, honey. Sorry.”

I shrug it off. “It’s okay. I’ll see him tomorrow, anyway.”

“Better go pack, honey,” Mom advises me with a quick nod to the stairs. “So you won’t be rushing in the morning.”

“Right. I’ll go do that.” My smile remains as I hurry up the stairs to my bedroom.