Page 21 of Summertime Rapture

About an hour later, Mallory felt the boat surging back toward the docks as the sun dipped lower in the evening sky. As they neared the edge of the harbor, they readied themselves to head home. Cole lassoed the rope to the side of the dock and latched them in with a perfect sailor’s knot, then jumped up to assist Alyssa and Mallory back to dry land.

Across the boardwalk and docks, a number of tourists and locals alike docked up as well, celebrating the evening with cracked beers and crackling radios and dynamic conversation. As Mallory stepped toward the boardwalk, still dressed in only a bikini top and a skirt, she locked eyes with one of these revelers, a handsome and broad-shouldered twenty-something, one who’d lurked through the shadows of her dream for two weeks.

Brodie. Brodie Thomkins.

Brodie, who hadn’t called.

For a moment, Mallory half-considered leaping off the dock and rushing back toward downtown Edgartown, where Cole had parked. But before she could get to the end of the dock and disappear, Brodie blocked it off, wearing a large and knowing grin. Alyssa and Cole bounded behind Mallory, both eyeing him.

“Is that Brodie Thomkins?” Cole asked.

“Who?” Alyssa demanded.

“Hello, Mallory.” Brodie stepped back to allow the three of them to step off the dock. Mallory’s eyes remained trained on his.

“What’s up, Brodie?” Cole said, his voice sizzling with curiosity.

“Cole! It’s been a while.” Brodie stuck out a hand to shake Cole’s.

Mallory’s cheeks burned with embarrassment.What would Cole think about Brodie asking for Mallory’s number? Would Cole blot out her hopes around it and tell her that Brodie was “best to be avoided”?

“I’ve been meaning to call you,” Brodie said, dropping his gaze back toward Mallory’s.

“You could have,” Mallory offered with a shrug.

“Have I lost my chance?”


Alyssa and Cole stepped away from Mallory, giving the two of them space.

“I guess not,” Mallory finally told him.

“That’s good to hear.” Brodie’s lips parted. “I don’t suppose you’d be free tonight, would you?”

Normally, Mallory was ready with a quick:No can do. Have to care for my son.

But this night was different than most. She glanced back toward Alyssa, who was busy mouthing, HE IS CUTE, with over-exaggerated lips.

“I could be free,” Mallory heard herself say. “But I have to run home to change.”

“I think you look great,” Brodie complimented.

“Thanks.” Mallory lifted her backpack strap and added, “I do have a shirt in my bag.”

“What a relief,” he returned playfully, his smile crooked. He said it like he didn’t fully mean it.

“Hey, guys?” Mallory twisted around to address her step-cousin and brother. “I’m going to hang around here a little while longer. I’ll catch up with you later. Okay?”

Alyssa gave her a knowing smile followed by a wink. Cole stretched his palm out with a final wave.

“Thanks for the hanging out,” he said. “Be safe tonight. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Alyssa swatted Cole playfully and said, “Don’t give her any bad ideas.”

“What? You mean, like, steal your father’s plane with some guy you barely know and head to Spain?” Cole teased right back as they turned away. “If there’s one of us generating bad ideas, it’s you.”

“I’m different now,” Alyssa shot back.

“They sound fun,” Brodie said with a laugh.

“They’re hilarious,” Mallory agreed. “I’m very lucky to have them.”

She watched them walk away for a split-second longer, terrified to follow the madness of the evening.What version of Mallory was this, agreeing to go on a spontaneous date with a handsome stranger? But hadn’t she thought, all day long, that she needed to make a change?Maybe this was the universe’s idea of answering her. Or maybe it was just playing with her a little bit, making things interesting again. Either way, she had to be brave enough to answer the call.

“Let’s go,” she said, feeling her smile widen.