He was still fully dressed. He hadn’t even attempted to remove his clothes.

“Am I what?” The fake innocence in his voice was ridiculous.

“You haven’t…”

“Come? Nope.”

I twisted onto my side, mirroring his position. “Is that another of your kinks? Delayed gratification or something?”

He leaned in, brushing his lips over mine. “Nah. I was fully satisfied tasting your cum on my lips, hearing you scream the fucking building down, and feeling your sweet pussy clamp down on my fingers like a vise.”

“No sex then?”

He chuckled. “I’m a gentleman, Bliss. I don’t fuck on the first date.”

I raised one eyebrow. “Never?” I found that hard to believe.

“Can’t fuck on a first date if you don’t date.”

“Oh.” That made more sense. Why date someone when you had a clubhouse full of women throwing themselves at you every night? “This technically isn’t a date though. I came with Rebel.”

“You came on my tongue. This totally counts as a date. ‘Cause, baby girl? Next time we go out it’ll be our second date. If I had you screaming like I did just now, and that’s date one behavior, wait until you see what date two will get you.”