“Five minutes.”
“So it’s pretty feasible that Nash could have disappeared from a crowded bar for ten minutes on the guise of a smoke break. Nobody would have noticed. Are there cameras in here?”
“Then he has no real proof he was here all night, does he?”
This was ridiculous. “Nash didn’t do this. You don’t know him. He wouldn’t.”
She pointed a finger at me. “And your feelings for him make you too close to him to have an objective eye.”
I didn’t comment on her observation of how I felt about Nash. “What’s his motivation then?”
She shrugged. “Could be anything. Jealousy over the bar. You said they ran this place together, like co-owners. Maybe Nash was pissed that Axel hadn’t signed over half of it. Maybe Axel slept with his girlfriend. Or ran over his puppy. I don’t know, people kill for all sorts of stupid reasons as well as big ones. But don’t you think you should find out?”
I shook my head. “Axel was involved in more than Nash or I knew. It had to have been a deal gone bad.”
Sandra lifted a shoulder. “Maybe. But are you really comfortable working here with Nash when he might have been the one to put a bullet in your brother’s head?”