No he wasn’t. Nobody was going to hurt Vincent if I had any say in it. “No. You’re not. Wait here. I’ll be back.”
Without waiting for War to reply, I grabbed Vincent’s arm and shoved him down the corridor toward my office.
Nash stormed into the action, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. His eyes widened, darting between me and Vincent and the crowded hallway full of people all staring at us.
“Bliss, what the fuck?” Nash gaped at me.
I was still fully naked. I could feel both mine and War’s arousal on my inner thighs, and yet it didn’t seem the worst thing in the world. Separating the two men—two men I cared about—and keeping them from killing each other seemed more important.
“Can you go help War? He’s in room thirteen and he’s hurt.”
I didn’t wait for Nash to agree. I knew he would. I punched in the code for my office door and glared at Vincent. “In.”
“Bliss, I—”
“No, I don’t want to hear it, Vincent! At least not until I have some fucking clothes on!”