With the gun in my hand, I squatted down and shot the guard right on his butt cheek, just as he straightened up again and leaned back to try to grab me. He fell forward with a scream, knocking my chair to the floor, and I shot the gun two more times without even aiming.

Another loud thud, followed by silence disrupted only by the light buzzing of the LED lights over my head. I slowly stood up to see the other guard on the floor on his back, arms spread to his sides. The other was still hunched over the chair, blood coming from the hole on his right butt cheek. He was still breathing; the other wasn’t.

I felt…nothing.

I’d just killed another person, and I felt no guilt, no remorse, nothing at all. Only the need to keep going, to keep running until I found Dominic.

My body no longer shook. My heart no longer galloped in my chest. I grabbed the gun of the dead guy, too, before I turned for the door.

“I am not helpless,” I told the container, then stepped outside into the dark.

Wherever I was, the place was huge, the ceiling high, and there were a lot more containers around me on all sides. Blue lights mounted to the outside metal walls every few feet illuminated my way. I walked slowly, trying to be as soundless as I could, but this place was too silent, and my footfalls echoed like I was in a cave somewhere.

Holding the guns tightly in my hands, I picked up the pace and I kept on going, moving toward the orange light at the other end. So many containers. What the hell did they need all of these for? What did those high fae even do for a living, besides kidnapping and killing people and trying to steal weapons?

When I finally reached the orange light burning over the wall of concrete, I contemplated whether going through the mouth of what looked like a tunnel was a good idea. Behind me, rows upon rows of white containers took over the huge space. What were the odds that Dominic was in one of those? If I stopped to check each one of them, it was going to take me hours, and I’d surely get caught. If I got caught, I wasn’t going to help Dominic, only make this worse for the both of us.

As much as my heart insisted that I needed to stay here, search for him, I knew it was a bad idea. I didn’t know where we were, who was around us, and how we were even going to get out when I did get to him.

No, I needed to know where we were first. And I needed help.

So, taking in a deep breath and drowning the thoughts in my head that begged me to stand still, I entered the concrete tunnel.