
As it turned out,Sandra was a succubi. They were a kind of low fae who fed off people’s pleasure to strengthen their magic. Sexual pleasure. The more I watched her move and heard her talk, the more I was convinced that she might be the sexiest person to have existed in this world. Just the way she waved her fingers and the sparks that sometimes sprung to life in her black eyes and the way her lips curved into that beautiful smile. Her scent, too—she smelled of fields full of flowers, soft and powerful at the same time, and then there was something spicy to it, too, that I couldn’t exactly place. I couldn’t look away from her if I tried.

“It’s close,” she said, holding my chin up with the tips of her fingers as she analyzed my face again. Her eyes said she liked what she saw, but her smile wasn’t at its fullest yet. “Give me a wiper.”

She just raised a hand and one of her assistants put a white beauty sponge on her palm. It wasn’t just a usual sponge—she called them wipers—and they could erase any trace of makeup from your skin without smearing or smudging, and the sponge wouldn’t even stain with it.

She ran it over both my eyebrows, crinkling her nose. “Too thick. Your face is delicate, your eyes too big for brows so thick. Let’s see what this looks like.” She produced a pink pencil—out of thin air, I thought, until she moved, and I saw the other assistant standing at her back—and began to draw my eyebrows with light, short strokes.

When she was done, she stepped back to admire her work, and her smile spread all the way.

“There. All done.”

Someone knocked on the door, and one of the assistants went to answer. Whoever it was, they didn’t come in, just gave her something on a hanger, covered in a garment bag, and a green paper bag, too. Before I could see what they were, Sandra grabbed me by the arm and brought me in front of the mirror attached to the door of the walk-in closet.

A gasp escaped me when I saw my reflection.

The change was subtle, but it was there. I was still me, only an updated version of me, eyes enhanced by some dark pink eye shadow and mascara that actually gave shape to my eyes. My lashes were a pink so pale, they looked white most of the time normally. And my lips were outlined with a darker pink, and the lighter lipstick gave them a pout I didn’t normally have. The blush was exactly the right color for my skin, and my hair was wild with beach waves, something I had never been able to do myself. My hair was pin straight, no matter how many hours I spent with a curler or what kind of a holding spray I used. Slightly curly for ten minutes before it fell pin straight again.

“I need your secret,” I whispered, running my fingers through the waves. They fell down my back and made me look older, but in a very good kind of way. My eyes were naturally bigger than the rest of my features, but like this, they looked sexy, not disproportionate.

“Good tools, with a sprinkle of magic on top,” Sandra whispered and winked at me through the mirror.

“Wow. I don’t know what to say.” I never even imagined I could look like this. And my eyebrows! They were still as thin as usual, only they had more volume, like the pale pink hairs of it were thicker and conditioned and shiny.

“A thank you will suffice,” Sandra said, waving me off. “It’s easy to work on a smooth canvas, if you know what I mean.” She grinned and it was full of mischief, and it made me grin, too.

“Thank you, Sandra. I don’t think I’ve ever looked better in my life.”

“Well, maybe I should guide you to the nearest Sephora. A bit of mascara, some brow pencil, a touch of blush and some lipstick will take you all of five minutes to put on every morning,” she said. “Come, let’s get you dressed.”

The assistants had already laid everything on the bed while I’d been distracted by the mirror. But now that I saw what they’d brought me…

“I am not wearing that.”

First of all, that thing—because that was not a dress—was tiny. It was short. You could barely make out its spaghetti straps. And the purple pantyhose were way too purple. And the white sandals had way too high heels. And that purse…well, actually, the purse was really pretty.

Sandra smiled again. “Close your eyes, sweet girl. You’ll be just fine.”

I tried to resist them. I did my best to push those girls off, but they were much stronger than they looked and wouldn’t budge. In ten minutes, they finally got that dress and those pantyhose on me. And when that was done, they basically held me down on the bed while Sandra put on the white sandals on my feet.

“Why are you doing this to me?” I whispered, so embarrassed I could cry. I owned plenty of miniskirts and revealing tops, but this was…it was…


I was on my feet and in front of the mirror again, dragged there by Sandra herself, and I could see my reflection perfectly.

The dress was short but not as short as I’d thought. It covered a good portion of my thighs, and the pantyhose were a perfect color to match the soft pink shimmery fabric of the dress. And the shoes had high heels, but they were so thick, I felt like I was walking on flats.

Theodora De Ver, 2.0. That’s what I looked like. Brand new and improved. Ready to take on any undercover mission in the world—and win. Without ruining my makeup, of course.

“You look like a real life-sized doll,” Sandra said as she admired my new clothes.

“It’s too much,” I said. And it probably was. But that didn’t mean it looked bad on me. On the contrary—the dress hugged my waist and my hips and my breasts perfectly. How in the world had they even made it so fast after those measurements they’d taken?

Magic. Sandra had said it herself. Maybe I needed to spend more time exploring my own magic, see how I could use it to look like this every day. I never gave it much thought. Since I was a girl, after so many failed attempts at doing the ordinary things most pixies could do, I just stopped trying. I didn’t rely on my magic for anything in my life.

“It is too much for a car show, I’ll admit. But you’re on a mission, and you were dressed and made up to look like someone else. The girl that boy was spotted with dressed like this,” Sandra explained.