“Are you the pixie?” she asked and came slowly toward me.

“Yep,” I said, looking down at my body. The hair and the eyes, not to mention my size, were a pretty accurate giveaway.

Suddenly she was in front of me, her hands on my shoulders. “Let me look at you. Raise your head.”

I did as she asked, feeling more uncomfortable by the second. She was a head and a half taller than me, at least, and her big black eyes analyzed me in a way I’d never been analyzed before. Her dark hair was cropped close to her skull, even shorter than Dominic’s, and it looked beautiful on her. Her skin was flawless, her brows done to perfection, and when she smiled, I had no choice but to smile, too.

“You are gorgeous, sweet girl,” she said, almost breathlessly. “I’m Sandra, and I’m going to be your best friend for the next few days.” And she pulled me in for a hug.

“Oh!” I said, surprised, but I quickly got my head together and hugged her back. “Nice to meet you, Sandra. I’m Teddy.”

“Teddy,” she said with a chuckle. She was so warm and inviting, very unlike the other agents who’d come into the room minutes ago. I noticed she wasn’t wearing a black suit, either, but a white shirt, black pants flared at the ankles, and a beautiful yellow coat that reached below her knees. It suited her tan skin perfectly.

“Oh, Teddy. Let’s get away from these people, shall we? We have work to do.” And with my hand in hers, she pulled me toward the bedroom.

“Wait—what exactly are we going to do?” I looked behind me—at the two women following us, neither of them suited up, then at Dominic. His eyes were on me, and his brows were narrowed. I couldn’t decipher his expression for the life of me.

But Sandra pulled at my hand and took me inside the bedroom, and the girls who were with her, holding two large plastic cases in their hands, slammed the door shut.

“Sit down, sweet girl,” Sandra said, showing me the bed. “We’ll be done in no time.”

“Great. If you could just tell me what will be done in no time?” Because those girls had set the cases on the floor, and they’d opened them. And they were full of glitter and lipsticks and eye shadows…

“Your makeover,” Sandra said.


“Just relax, sweet girl. Trust me, you will thank me in the end.”

Without warning, she pulled my shirt off and threw it at the floor. “Hey!” I complained, but one of the girls with the suitcase was already on me, wrapping an ice-cold measuring tape around my shoulders.

“Stand still,” Sandra murmured, then the girl proceeded to measure my shoulders, my arms, my breasts, and my waist before any of it had even started to make sense to me.

But Sandra meant business, and it was obvious to me that the longer I resisted, the longer it would take for this to be over. So, I swallowed hard, cursed Dominic again in my mind for not giving me a heads up about this, and I did as I was told.