Page 6 of Unbroken

“Just Zane, Maggie,” he requested. She thought she heard the scrape of his hand over stubble and the sound gave her an unexpected thrill.

“OK, just Zane. It’s good to hear from you.”

He chuckled. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I know how busy you are at lunch time there.”

“Oh, I can take a few minutes. Are you on your lunch break?”

“Well, I don’t really get a lunch break per se, but I’m in between office hours and doing consults at the hospital this afternoon.”

They continued chatting about nothing in particular until, before they realized it, an hour had gone by. “Good grief! I’m sorry, Maggie! I didn’t mean to keep you this long.”

“Me? You’re the one with patients waiting. I should have watched the time. I’m so sorry.”

“No, there’s nothing to be sorry for. I’ve, well, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, Maggie,” Zane said, suddenly not wanting to say good-bye. “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get back down to Gladewater but, can I call you again?”

Maggie felt a flush of pleasure. “Of course. I’d like that.”

“Good. Well, good-bye Maggie. Talk soon.”

“I look forward to it, Zane.”

Now their calls were a nightly occurrence that she couldn't wait for. He was so easy to talk to she found herself sharing little stories and things about herself she had never shared with any man before. It was getting more and more difficult to get off the phone with him and get to bed at a decent hour. She never wanted to say goodbye. She wished he could come to visit soon.