“I don’t know. He behaved a little caveman, yes,” she said and smiled, remembering his glares and growls.

“Have you both…?”

“We have talked.” She would not tell her grandma she had climaxed in his arms, not in a million years. “We’re exploring our feelings.”

Peggy Sue snorted, and Dakota frowned.

“Oh, dear, you’re a little prude, aren’t you? I’m an old woman and a farmer. I had lovers before marrying. And I’m a farmer. I know everything about how women and men explore each other,” she quoted in the last sentence. Dakota looked at her with her mouth wide open.

“That… That’s private,” she said.

“It is, indeed. I’m not trying to gossip or make you feel bad or embarrassed. I’m only saying it’s natural and I like you acting on your feelings. You have been through a lot of sadness. You deserve fun and love. Just… be smart. Ted is a good man, but…”

“I know, grandma. He isn’t husband material. He told me he’s not looking for something permanent. I’m aware. But we like each other.”

“I’m not sure about him not being husband material, as you say. Those guys, the Sullivan… They are hard-working, honest, and trustful. Yes, Ted likes having fun and has had lots of lovers, or that’s the gossip around. But he had never kissed a woman at a festival, or a place full of people. When I saw him…” Peggy Sue stopped and frowned.


“It was as if he was claiming you in front of everybody. As if making everyone know you were his date.”

“Grandma, I don’t need you giving me hope. I’m being cautious.”

“Cautious is good. But remember what we talked about.”

“I do. I’m embracing my new life, trying to make the most of it. I’m allowing myself to feel and enjoy being spoiled and praised by a gorgeous man. If I make a mistake and my heart falls for him, and it breaks when we split…” She sighed. “I think it’s the cost of risking and acting on my feelings.”

“Wise words, honey,” her grandma said and took Dakota’s hand in hers. “Don’t wait too much, but too little, either. Life takes and gives. I think it owes you, my dear.”

“That’s wishful thinking, grandma. I like that.”

“I like that, too. Now, get your beauty rest. I ate a sandwich and left one for you in the fridge. The bed is screaming my name,” she stood and left.

Dakota stayed pensive for a few minutes and then went downstairs to eat her dinner. She put on her pajamas and brushed her hair, looking at her reflex in the mirror.

Change is good. Sex is wonderful. Enjoy it. Let him understand you want him, you need him. Be bold, be brave. Time will say if this is meant to be or not. Life owes you. Peggy Sue is right.

It took her a lot to sleep, although she kept yawning and felt tired. But her mind didn’t leave her alone, bringing memories of what he did to her in a loop.

He touched her. He fingered her till orgasm. He told her how sexy she was. He wanted her.

She wanted him, and the entire experience. His mouth on her pussy driving her crazy, his cock in her. Sebastian had never gone down on her; he never offered her that.

And she had been such a prude. She had thought there wasn’t more in sex than some seconds of joy. But it was just Sebastian who was plain and boring, in everyday life, and in bed.

Ted, however… Wow. He enjoyed everything, even the loud and the dirty. He encouraged her cries. He smelled and tasted her. He touched her everywhere. His eyes showed his arousal. He put all his senses to work.

She loved it. The way he sucked on his fingers. How her mouth sucked her nipples, the softness of his tongue licking her. She shivered.

Sex with Ted was amazing, and he had promised there will be more, much more.Bring it on, handsome, she thought.