
What a day! She was light and dizzy. She felt like singing, so she opened her Spotify app and selected country music. She was a country girl now, wasn’t she?

She lived on a farm; she had her boots. She had a sexy cowboy all for herself. For now. Wow! She opened her arms and threw herself onto the mattress.

Think, he had told her. Consider, ponder… She understood he was behaving like a gentleman, focusing on her well-being. He was completely aware of his reputation as a womanizer. He wasn't comfortable with that.

He told her he had doubts and wasn’t looking for a permanent relationship. He showed her respect by telling the truth. That was huge. He didn’t lie to be in her pants.

Hell, he could have fucked her today, but he chose to wait for her to have her mind clear. But she had set her mind the minute he told her he lusted for her.

Yes, the recent events of her life weighed on her. Sebastian had been a shit of a boyfriend, but the cheating was the ice on the cake.

He had always been mean, and diminished her body and mind. Breaking up was the best thing that happened to her, besides traveling to meet her grandma.

She had options; she had family love and a lover. A sexy beast of a cowboy who was a bull rider looked at her as if she was the finest woman.

He told her how pretty and sexy she was, and his praises were like honey. He healed her wounded ego. He made her feel wanted.

A soft knock on the bedroom door startled her.

“Dakota, dear, can I come in?”

“Yes, grandma,” she raised her voice and sat on the bed with her legs crossed.

Peggy Sue poked her head into the room.

“Are you busy, my dear? I don’t want to disturb you.”

“Not at all, grandma. Come, sit down with me,” Dakota patted the mattress beside her, and Peggy Sue entered. She looked tired, and Dakota worried.

“Are you feeling well? You seem exhausted.”

“It’s the good kind of fatigue, Dakota. I gossiped, laughed, and walked around the stalls. I even helped Marge with the food truck. There was a lot of fun.

“I’m glad, grandma. I saw your face there. You were enjoying your time.”

“I did. I had been kind of a hermit last months, and I missed the town and activities. You brought me happiness and extra energies, Dakota,” Peggy Sue said and squeezed her granddaughter’s hand.

“Coming here is the most intelligent decision I made in years. I’m happy too,” Dakota answered and kissed her grandmother’s cheek.

“Mmm. Although I think there are otherthingsbringing you happiness,” the lady said, staring at her.

Dakota reddened, but there wasn’t annoyance or disgust in her grandma’s voice. She studied her. Dakota sighed.

“Well… Let’s say I’m open to meeting people and giving them a chance,” she whispered.

“That man, Ted… You liked him a lot, don’t you? I saw you both kissing.”

Dakota chewed her lips and nodded.

“It’s complicated.”

“People become simple things into major issues. You like him, he likes you… It’s natural. He’s handsome, single, and a charmer. You’re gorgeous, smart, sexy… A real catch, if I may say.”

“You see me through love glasses,” Dakota smiled.

“Oh, I sure love you, honey, but I’m certain. Several men put their eyes and interest in you today. I saw young men with their eyes glued to you. And I saw Ted, honey. That man went all protective and possessive when he realized he had competence.”