“Your date? This lady?” The awful gesture and the disbelief in Dolly’s words infuriated Dakota. Who the hell she thought she was?

“Yes, I’m with Ted. Come on, baby. You said you will show me the bulls.”

Ted’s grin was big, and he winked at her shamelessly. Then he waved at Dolly and hugged Dakota’s shoulders, and they walked a few meters away.

“You’re the hottest date I have ever had, babe,” he said in a low voice, and Dakota glared at him.

“What was that about?”

“You saved me from a horny widow who wanted to take advantage of me when I was at my lowest.”

“The way she talked and looked at you seemed to tell you enjoyed her ministrations before.”

“A gentleman doesn’t tell his adventures. Now, seriously, I’m sorry, but Dolly was being rude and the only way I found to cut her off was by suggesting…”

“I don’t think she bought the idea, Ted.”

“Why not?” he frowned.

“She looked at me as if I was a bug.”

“You aren’t. You’re the sexiest woman here, Dakota.” He was serious, his voice was lower and his eyes were on her.

There he was again, making her feel appreciated.

“Well, well, well, I finally have the chance to meet our newest visitor,” a deep voice said.

Ted’s face went a bit serious, and he rolled his eyes. Dakota turned around and then she was in front of a tall man with astonishingly blue eyes and a friendly smile.

“This is the most powerful man in town, Sheriff Spencer O’Hara,” Ted said.

“Ha, ha, ha, hilarious,” the man said, and then he focused on Dakota. “My pleasure, madam. I’ve been told a lot about you.”

“You have?” she asked with a frown.

“Oh, yes. Part of being a sheriff in a small town is receiving all the gossip. But nobody told me Peggy Sue’s granddaughter was such a beauty. I hope you don’t mind me being blunt,” he said with a gorgeous smile.

“I strongly agree,” another man arrived, and this was shorter but wider, with blond hair. “Ted didn’t tell us you were such a charming lady. The selfish prick!” The man gave Ted a dirty look, and Ted seemed annoyed. “I’m Billy Jackson, madam. Whatever you need, you tell me. I’m the foreman at Sullivan’s ranch.”

Dakota stared at both gorgeous men and giggled. They were so handsome! What was the deal with men here? Was ther something in the water?

“Did you finish? We are in a hurry,” Ted said and wrapped his hand around Dakota’s waist, pulling her to him.

She felt the warmth of his hard body against her, and when he caressed her side, she hesitated.

What was he doing? Not that she didn’t like it. She loved the sensation, of course. But there was something weird here.

He was looking at the other two as if this was a contest and she was the prize The two men smirked.

“Would you like to dance with me, Dakota?” Billy said. “There’s country music in the biggest tent.”

“I…” she said, but Ted pushed her to his chest, almost cutting her breath. It was okay.Breathing was overrated, she thought in wonder.

“She’s busy. Back off, gentlemen. She’s my date,” he almost growled, and she liked it. He seemed almost jealous and a little caveman.

“I thought you didn’t date,” the sheriff answered with a smile and winked at Dakota, who grinned.

“You thought wrong,” Ted told them, and then took Dakota’s chin and made her look at him. “Let’s go back home. I’m feeling a little dizzy.”

“Dizzy. Is that a thing? A big bear of a man, a bull rider, dizzy?” Billy laughed, and Spencer chuckled.

Dakota frowned and stared at them coldly. Now they were being mean to Ted.

“I see you are Ted’s friends, but you’re behaving like children. Excuse me, gentlemen, I have to help Ted.”

“Lucky bastard. I will visit you soon. I hope you recover from your dizziness, man,” Spencer said, and Ted ignored him.