
Dakota felt excited. She had slept well, and she and Peggy Sue had breakfast together. They talked a lot, and she felt their bond grew day by day.

They were still cautious around each other, and Dakota thought theirs was more a friendship than anything else, but it was a matter of time.

Neither she nor Peggy Sue wanted to force feelings. They had met three weeks ago for the first time, and although the old lady knew about Dakota and received her with open arms, it wasn’t the same for Dakota.

She found herself working to understand and process the whole affair. Her mind tried to put her past into a new light.

She remembered how closed her mother became when she asked her about his lover, Dakota’s father, or when Dakota inquired about other relatives.

She had been secretive, and Dakota understood her mum was full of sorrow and resentment. Dakota blamed these dark feelings for her mother’s premature death. So sad!

Going to work to Ted’s house was like breathing those days she felt down. He was funny and talkative, and he made her smile.

His teasing and small touches made her shiver and drool, but that was understandable. She had red blood in her veins, and the man was sexy as sin.

The perspective of sharing a day of fun in town with him pumped her mood. Ted’s invitation wasn’t a date. She told it to herself once or twice.

She wished it was, but that wasn’t going to happen. Her infatuation had grown to a dangerous level since he gave her the boots. She put too much meaning into his gift, perhaps.

She promised herself she would enjoy and be open to meeting people. Her grandma told her funny stories about the festival and what they would see there. It sounded fun, and she was willing to experience the whole western vibe.

She dressed in tight jeans, a bright blouse, and her new boots. She felt pretty. She was sure Ted would have something nice to praise her, and she smiled.

She certainly expected it. The man knew how to take good care of a lady’s ego. Hers needed some praise. She would take advantage of his charm.

At eleven she and her grandma were heading to his hut, and he was waiting for them outside.

Dakota stopped the car and got off to help him enter the vehicle. He was handsome in the dark jeans that hugged his gorgeous ass. The cast didn’t diminish his powerful limbs, and the upper part of his body was broad.

The flannel shirt glued to his wide shoulders, bulky forearms, and pecs. He was the sexiest cowboy with his Stetson and his boots.

Holy shit, he is a god, Dakota thought, her eyes on his chest when taking the crutches to put on the bed of the truck.

“Hello, Peggy Sue! So nice to see you! You’re even prettier than the last time I saw you.”

“You’re a charmer, Ted Sullivan,” Peggy Sue giggled, and Dakota sat and started the engine. “But the genuine beauty here is my granddaughter, don’t you think?”

Dakota blushed and shook her head.

“Grandma, please!” It was embarrassing.

“I couldn’t agree more,” he said, and although Dakota didn’t look at him, she could feel his gaze on her. “She looks amazing, and I think the cowgirl look is perfect on her.”

He straightened his beefy arm and put a rebel strand of hair behind her ear, and she shivered when his warm fingers stroked her skin.

He was touchy, but not in a creepy way, and she loved it.

“Thank you. Now, tell me more about what we will find at this festival,” she said, trying to focus on another thing than Ted.

Both Ted and Peggy Sue talked and laughed, remembering past festivals’ anecdotes. Dakota smiled and enjoyed the moment, and soon they were in the middle of the event.

There were stalls, balloons, food, music, and people coming and going. Color everywhere.

“Oh, Marge settled herself in a food truck! How nice. I will go and say hi, dear,” Peggy Sue said.

“I’m coming with you,” Dakota said, but her grandma refused.