“Mmm. Okay. What time do you want to go?”

“We can have lunch there, and then spend the afternoon fooling around.”

“Perfect. See you tomorrow!”

“Bye, doll.”

She put the boots in the box and rushed to the truck. She was happy and touched by his gift.

These gorgeous boots had to be expensive. But the most valuable thing for her was that he had taken time to think of her.

She was trying hard not to fall for him, but it was difficult because he was thoughtful and gentle. She sighed and drove the truck into Peggy Sue’s land and parked it next to her grandma’s car.

She was waiting for her on the porch, sitting on the rocking chair. She looked tired, and Dakota thought the old lady worked too hard.

She was always doing something, and despite Dakota wasn’t around during the day, they talked a lot.

She got tired just by listening to her grandma talking about working the land, seeding crops, battling gophers, harvesting the fruit and making canned fruit, feeding the animals, scraping the barn, and much more.

“Hello there, Dakota. How was work?” This was a standard question since day one, and she offered the same answer she used to.


“What have you got there?” Peggy Sue asked, pointing at the box, and Dakota rushed to sit by her side on a stool.

“A gift!” she clapped her hands, the box on her thighs, and her grandma grinned.

“Oh, dear, that’s wonderful! Who…?”

“Ted! Can you believe it? He’s so kind! Look at these beauties,” she said, and unboxed the boots and showed them with pride.

“They are gorgeous! These are Mr. Pierce’s creations, I can tell. The man is a legend around here. They aren’t cheap, Dakota.” She eyed her with a wide grin.

“I thought they weren’t. I love them! He told me I have to wear them tomorrow to go to the festival!”

“Oh, yes, the festival! I had forgotten about it! I used to sell my products there.”

“Really? How exciting! Do you want to go with us? I’m sure Ted would be happy.”

“That sounds like a good idea. We can have lunch and it’s a splendid opportunity to show off my granddaughter,” she said with a big smile. “Gossip must have spread, and people will be curious. You’ll have many eyes on you tomorrow.”

“That sounds kind of embarrassing,” she frowned. She just wanted to have fun and enjoy the company of the two people she liked most these days.

“Don’t worry. Once they see you, they will be fulfilled. I will do the talking. You only need to say hi and smile.”

“Deal. What should I wear?” she asked.

“You will rock the cowgirl style with these boots and a nice dress, or even jeans. It’s an informal event. Every outfit you wear fits you wonderful. You’re beautiful.”

“I don’t see myself that way,” Dakota whispered. “Although…”Ted makes me feel pretty, she wanted to add, but hesitated, and then decided it was better to keep that for herself.

She didn’t want her grandma worrying about her falling for Ted.

“I see a gorgeous lady. You have a delicate face, and your eyes sparkle and show your soul. Men around here appreciate genuine women and strong and curvy bodies. Those starved ladies from magazines and social media…” Peggy Sue shook her head. “I don’t understand it.”

“My ex, Sebastian… He used to point out what he said were my weaknesses.” She made quotation marks with her fingers. “I went to the gym, counted calories, starved myself, but it was pointless. I only lost a few pounds…”

“You don’t need to! That man,” she shook her head in disbelief. “Asshole! He could learn a few things from men around here. Men like Ted.” She stared at Dakota while saying this.