Me:Enjoy your last weeks of freedom and peace, old man. When Marie delivers my niece, your life will be hell!

Rex:I cannot wait, asshole. What’s up?

Me:I hired help. I will visit you with her tomorrow to deal with the papers.

Rex:She? I can only hope she’s over sixty.

Me:Not a chance. She’s over twenty, indeed. I think.

Rex:Who is she? Didn’t you learn your lesson with the last two girls?

Me:This is different. She’s new in town. Peggy Sue’s guest.

Rex:I knew there was something weird. Poor girl doesn’t know what she is getting herself into.

Me:She will. Marge was driving her. But I will show my best side, I promise. I need help here, bro. Don’t worry!

Rex:I won’t. I have better things to worry about. Marie is up. Bye.

Ted stood and walked to the kitchen, and opened the box Marge brought. Green beans, corn, tomatoes, soup, spaghetti and meatballs, tuna.

Oh, homemade cookies! God blessed that woman! He bit one and sighed with pleasure. Pure heaven!

He poured himself a coffee and took the feast to the living room. The laptop was just on and he searched for the video of the last rodeo he took part in, and then he selected the last mount he did that night.

He sat comfortably and saw himself on the back of that crazy bull, Mad Max. Damn animal! He needed all his strength and courage that afternoon. The animal was a beast; over 2 thousand pounds of muscle exploding in the arena, bucking and twisting.

Ted did his best to stay aboard the twisting bull, his hand wrapped around the flat rope and his legs trying to stay glued to the bull’s sides. Mad Max made its best effort to throw Ted to the ground, but he stayed in control, and when the eight seconds finished, he got an amazing score.

He won, and the public went nuts. God, he missed the competition already. He lived for that.Nah,he told himself. Life was bigger than that.

He saw it now. He loved the rodeo adrenaline, the excitement, the energy, the exposure, the fame, but those emotions were running thin lately.

That was the reason he had come back to live with his brothers and work on the ranch. He was taking his time to reorganize his life and goals. He was 28, still young, but he had been around rodeo championships since he was eighteen.

He had broken several bones; he had hit his head a few times, and he had won more than enough to have financial security for years.

He returned because he needed it, but because of Rex’s needs, too. Rex had handled things smoothly for the last fifteen years, but when Ted and Brad returned, both for different reasons, they saw his older brother hadn’t got a social or love life.

He lived for work. Someone had to manage the ranch, and it had been obvious it had to be Rex. However, there was plenty of work and space for the three of them.

Fortunately, when Rex had time, life sent him a sweet and beautiful lady who caught him easily and had him on his knees. Ted smiled. Marie was perfect for his grumpy brother.

Ted didn’t think he needed to settle down. There were so many pretty women living their lives and sharing their love. He wanted his own family, a wife, and kids, but that can wait till he was mature enough. When he was forty-something, probably.

Life was to enjoy, and if he was going to stop entering competitions as a regular thing, he could spend most of his spare time making women happy. He had a magic stick for that! He chuckled. He had to avoid that kind of silly comment in front of sweet Dakota.