
Well, who is the suicide driver now? Dakota thought while turning the last curve with a fierce decision and pulled up in Ted’s driveway.

She was floating in a cloud of wanting, and Ted’s hand squeezing and caressing her thigh and stroking her hair the whole trip from town didn’t help to tame her lust.

She had been bald when daring him to hit on her, but she had been shy long enough. It was time for her to get what she wanted from life.

She felt this thing going on with Ted didn’t need a label. She wanted him to kiss, hug, and make love to her with all her heart and mind.

Their relationship had built from zero, but it was more than a simple boss-employee bond. It grew into something Dakota wanted since she saw him for the first time.

He had made a huge impression on her the minute they met. That was the reason she offered her help when she didn’t know a thing about him.

She hadn’t felt confident enough to ask for more until today. His praises, his eyes on her like lasers... His grumpiness when those two men showed an interest in her. The way he told them to back off.

Everything messed with Dakota’s head, and she saw the pattern. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. So, what were they doing?

Life was short and had to be enjoyed. He was gentle, kind, and honest. Dakota knew he wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. She would not lie to herself: she wanted to be his only one, but if she couldn’t, she would be his lover for the time she could. She wouldn’t feel embarrassed.

“Here we are, babe. If you want to go now…”

“I don’t,” she answered, and she looked at him.

“Let me say this, please. I’m full of desire now, and I want more than kissing. If you enter now…”

“That’s okay with me,” she nodded. Hey, she was counting on it.

“I will be gentle, babe. You can stop me anytime you want. I promise.”

“I trust you, Ted,” she whispered and raised her hand to caress his cheek. “I’m not nervous. I know you’ll be kind. And I promise I will tell you if I got scared or think it’s too much. But I don’t think so. I’m… I’ve been fantasizing a little, you know.”

“Fuck, babe. You’re killing me,” he groaned.

She got off the truck and walked around to help him. When he was on his feet, he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest, and his mouth was on hers again.

She put her hands around his neck and raised her heels to deepen the kiss. It felt as if her skin was buzzing with energy, the adrenaline flooding her veins. Warmth bloomed in her limbs, in her chest, in her face.

Alive! She felt alive. As if he was awakening all her cells just by kissing her.

He separated and put his forehead on hers and then kissed the tip of her nose. His right hand was still caressing her back.

“Let’s go inside, sweetie.” Dakota nodded slowly, panting as if she had run a marathon. He grinned, and she relaxed. “Oh, babe… You should be scared right now. If you knew what I want to do to you…”

“I love surprises,” she said, and then walked to the house, looking at him over her shoulder.

“Teaser!” he said, and she laughed while opening the front door. She entered and was putting her bag on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living when he wrapped his arms around her, one of his hands on her belly and the other circling her shoulders.

He dwarfed her despite her being a curvy woman. She was conscious of his warmth, but his hardness, too. His impressive hard-on rubbed against her back.

“Do you see how much you arouse me, babe?” His mouth was traveling down her neck now, and she arched her head to give him space. He nibbled and licked her skin, and Dakota cried softly.

“That’s it, my sweet baby. Let me hear you.” His hands were on her breasts now, brushing them through the textile, and Dakota felt her nipples pebbling on alert.

She was so wet, so aroused!

He made her turn around, and they were chest to chest. Their gazes locked, and the lips joined again in a scorching kiss.

“So. Fucking. Sexy,” he grumbled, and his mouth traveled to her ear and bit her earlobe.