
Okay, she had been wrong. He wasn’t a teddy bear, but a huge teaser. She had been working for him for two weeks, and he was driving her nuts with his unintentional sexiness.

Or so she thought it was, unintentional.The man was so attractive and mesmerizing! Was it his fault she waited for his endearments, eager like a puppy?

His words were a pump to her ego:sweetie, darling, doll, you’re shining today.

Was it his fault she wasn’t used to be in the receiving part of them? Her ex wasn’t an affectionate or gentle man. He used to complain about her gaining a few pounds or being too clingy.

He often criticized her wardrobe choices. God, how had she been so blind? Sebastian was an ass, and he wasn’t half of the man Ted was.

It was depressing to think she had lost so much time taking care of the needs and tantrums of a man who didn’t love her.

He had shown it every day to those who wanted to see it. She closed her eyes to the awful truth.

She had been scared and lonely. She thought she needed his love and his presence. She didn’t. Now she saw it.

“Dakota, come here, darling. I have something to show you,” Ted said.

She was in the kitchen preparing a meal for him. It was almost 4pm, and Peggy Sue was waiting for her to come back to have dinner.

“What is it? I’ve almost finished here. I will put your meal in the oven and…”

“I will do it. Come here, woman. I have a surprise for you. You’ll be happy.”

She frowned. A surprise? Uh. What could it be? She plated the food and put it in the fridge. He could heat it later.

Then she walked into the living room. He stood with a wide grin next to the coffee table, and there was a box by his side.

“I asked Marie to select this for you.” He took the box and offered it to her, and she chewed her inner cheek. She wanted to cry.

She couldn’t remember how much time had it been since someone gave her a present. Since her mother had died, she thought.

Her asshole of a fiancé wasn’t generous, and he gave her his credit card on her birthday, but he told her the small amount of money she was allowed to spend.

Most of the times she bought herself socks or panties, and not the expensive ones.

“What is it?” she asked, and he smiled. God, that smile! Bright, honest, although full of himself.

“A gift to show my appreciation. You make my days easier and I enjoy having you around, sweetie.”

She got the box and took the ribbon off. When she opened it she found a beautiful pair of cowboy boots, in white and black, with beautiful designs. She gasped.

“Do you like them? Hand-crafted by Mr. Pierce, the finest leather artisan in the region.”

“They are amazing. I love them,” she whispered while caressing the soft leather. “You didn’t have to…”

“I wanted to. You’re a country girl now, and you work for the best cowboy in town,” he winked. “You deserve the best of the best. Enjoy them, sweetie. And I want you to wear them tomorrow at the festival.”


“Yes. There will be music, food, and lots of fun. I want to be there. God knows I’m in great need of harmless fun. But I will need you.”

He pouted and rounded his eyes, and she laughed at his ridiculed attempt to convince her. Hell, how could she refuse?

“Okay, okay, I will drive you. But you have to behave.”

“I will. You can trust me.”