She thought his brothers should have supported him more. He had been careless about it, though. They were busy, and he understood.

She had driven him to the ranch in the morning after she helped him up and rearrange the driver’s seat. This made her more aware of the height difference between them.

She was plump and voluptuous, but short, and he had laughed at her fussing around the seat.

Rex Sullivan was an imposing rancher, stoic and serious, but she liked him, especially when she saw the tender way he took care of her pregnant wife, Marie.

A sweet and welcoming lady who showed her surprise when Ted introduced her as his new housekeeper. Dakota looked at her with confusion, but he had been all smiles.

“Rex, Dakota is new in town. She’s Peggy Sue’s granddaughter, and she is a city girl. She will help me with the house and food, with my leg, and she will be my designated driver for the next weeks. I want you to pay well, bro. You know I can be a real pain in the ass.”

“That’s an underestimation.” Rex had chuckled, but Ted dismissed his words. They were closed and gave shit to each other.

“Dakota, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m relieved Ted will have some help. We’re tying but…” Rex caressed Marie’s belly and Dakota saw the immense love in his eyes.

“I’m having a rough couple of weeks,” Marie sighed. “I need to stay at home and take care of my high blood pressure. Eat healthy, not salt. Exercises. Rex is my rock, but he has to handle the ranch, too.”

It was a lot, of course. Dakota felt bad. She had thought of them as selfish.

“Marie, Rex is lucky,” Ted said. “He has to kiss the ground you walk on. Make him swear, honey. He doesn’t deserve you. I told you when it counted, I can be more helpful and fun, but you made your choice, lady.”

These words made Marie snort, and Rex punched Ted in the shoulder.

“So full of yourself, little bro,” Rex said. “You’re lucky I’m going easy on you. You broke your leg just to stay at home watching your videos of past glories. It took one small bull of the ranch to show the town you’re weak, and you’re full of shit.”

“So jealous.” Ted sighed. “Do you understand now, Dakota? I’m a star, but my stubborn brother doesn’t care. When I recover, I will show you my greatness, asshole. Now, we need to talk business.”

“I have the papers ready. We can change anything you want, Dakota. The salary is the highest we can pay because I’m aware you will have to handle a lot of crap.” He winked.

“Well, thank you,” she said. The playfulness was refreshing, and when she finally finished the formal part, she was happy.

The salary was more than good; it doubled her former job! She could save a part since she hadn’t had to pay for rent or food. If she had to move, that would be helpful. She didn’t know how things will go on in New Essex, although she had hope.

However, she had lived in big cities all her life. She didn’t know if she could get used to the small-town life.

She would take these months ahead as the opportunity to rebuild herself and her future. She would allow new people in her life.

What could she lose? She had trusted people she had known for years, and they had betrayed her. She had expected nothing from Marge, Peggy Sue, and the Sullivan, and they were giving her a lot.

A place to live, a job, money, friendship, and the opportunity of family. That was huge. She had shown herself in a battered car, and she only had to tell Marge her name for her to help to find Peggy Sue.

Her grandma had her heart open to her. God! She even told her she intended to leave the farm to her. And Ted had offered her a job without a care of who she was or her intentions.

He needed help and his reputation wasn’t helping, of course, but even though… She was a stranger and he had been trustful and kind.

People were too judgmental, perhaps. He was cocky, but a teddy bear inside, full of joy and playfulness.