She glided from the counter to the oven, and there was coffee, scrambled eggs and the cookies Marge brought yesterday on a plate.

“Wow, this is like a buffet,” he nodded, and she smiled at him. A dazzling smile that almost brought him to his knees.

Goodness! The woman was pretty, but when she smiled… She was astonishing.Don’t go there, Ted! She’s the help you need desperately. You don’t want to ruin this.

“It’s just coffee, oatmeal, eggs… Standard breakfast,” she answered, lowering her eyes and working to bring him the plates and the mug of strong liquid he drank eagerly.

“Is that okay? I didn’t know if you liked it sweeter or…”

“Perfect. Just I like it, strong and black. Have one with me and we can discuss your duties.”

She nodded and poured herself coffee, but she added sugar and cream to hers. She sat in front of him and pouted when blown to cool the liquid.

Tempting lips too, the upper bigger with the bow perfectly drew. Charming. He cleared his throat and then ate a mouthful of oatmeal and then drank more coffee.

“Well, Dakota. Thank you so much for giving me a chance. I know Marge must have warned about me a lot, but I swear I can behave like a mature man. I’m kind of charming and handsome, but I can control my charm when I want to,” he winked at her and she laughed.

“Cocky, aren’t you?”

“Oh, that word again. I’m just conscious of my strengths. Kidding here, sweet. I need your help, as you can see. Mostly to feed me and help me move around. I’m a bit of a mess with clothes and objects, so you’ll have to order and do my laundry.”

“I’m fine with that.”

“You’ll be hired by the ranch. We have to go to Rex, my brother, and he will handle the papers and the legal stuff. I hope you can drive my truck.”

“I can drive, yes, although you’ll see I am a cautious driver. Not a suicidal one, as Marge.”

He chuckled when saw her shivering.

“That woman is a menace, but she is gold. Tell me, Dakota, are you staying at Peggy Sue’s home?”

He was curious now. She hadn’t told him anything about her. She didn’t impress him as a dangerous person or anything like that, but he should know more about the person who was going to share his days from now on.

“Yes. I’m…” she stopped for a while as if dealing with something in her head. “She’s my grandma.”

He widened his eyes.

“Really? That’s new. I thought Peggy Sue didn’t…”

“I discovered she was my grandma just fifteen days ago. My mother… She left town when she was young and pregnant…”

“Peggy Sue’s son was your father then…” He frowned, trying to remember the man. He was a kid when the car accident happened. He remembered his parents were sad because of Peggy Sue.

“He was. I didn’t know him. He rejected my mother, and she ran away. Kind of…” she added, her eyes on the table. He could see how tense she was in the way her fingers squeezed the mug.

“Sad story, then. I…” He felt like a dumb-ass. “You just met your grandma yesterday. You should be with her. I apologize. I pushed you hard to hire you. I apologize. Go to your grandma. I will handle…”

“No, that’s okay, really. I enjoy working here. It distracts me. I have a lot to think about, and I think better when I can get a little distance. My grandma and I will have a lot of time to know each other, to bond… I intend to be around for a while.”

“Good to know,” he nodded. It was. He stared at her while drinking his coffee. She had to be facing a lot of emotions right now. Some good, others not so much. Dealing with him was a bonus.

He grinned, thinking of this. He could be sympathetic and kind. Even funny. He knew he was easygoing, and it wasn’t just a facade.

He liked making people laugh and have a good time. Okay, he liked to make ladies happy, too, but that was him being wild.

“We will go to the ranch house now. I will introduce you to my big brother and his sweet wife, Marie. She’s pregnant. I will be an uncle in a few weeks.”

“Oh, that’s huge. Congratulations!”