His expression doesn’t change as my eyes widen, but he takes his hand back.


“Yea, Liv.”

His voice is soothing. He probably thinks I’m a nutcase, but I don’t care.

I raise my hand and cup his face. He leans into my palm with a soft smile.Some instinct I can’t explain takes over and I slam into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso and squeezing him tight. His familiar sandalwood scent invades my senses. His steady heartbeat calms my nerves as his arms come around me. It feels like coming home. When I straighten, the sun has just dipped below the horizon.

“I’ve missed you,” he says.

Reality trickles in. Just because he's here doesn’t mean I get my happily ever after. That’s never how this was going to end. I push away from him, and he frowns.

“I have to go.” With quick steps, I flee towards the house. My heart, which for a second felt full and happy, drains the warm sunshine his presence created. He doesn’t catch up, but I glance behind me and find him following. He’s staring at the ground, lost in thought.

When I approach the house, my uncle, Dad, Garrett, and Mark stand from the porch chairs. I run to Mark and fling my arms around him. He grunts with the impact and wraps me in a bear hug, planting a kiss on top of my head. “Hey, Sparrow. I missed you too.”

“I’m so sorry I had to leave.”

“Don’t apologize. I understand. We all do.” He steps aside as the door opens and my eyes water. Jackson reaches me first, then Brando piles on, and Vera, then Jordy and Skye, for the best group hug of my life.

They step aside to reveal Dylan, and a sob escapes me as the tears finally fall. He wraps me up tight. “Hey, Princess.”

He holds me as my emotions overwhelm me. My dull and aching heart is suddenly full and vibrant. We face Luke as he comes up the steps. He looks right at me but stops a few feet away.

“Dinner is ready kids, let’s go inside.” My uncle saves the day.

My dad pulls me into the living room. “Are you doing ok?”

“I don’t know what to feel.”

“If you want me to kick him out, just say the word.”

I nod and he heads to the kitchen. I take a moment to gather myself, then enter the hall. Luke stares at the mermaid painting on the wall.Shit. I never thought he’d be here to see it.

“Brody sent it,” I say, but the words fall flat.

Luke smiles at me. “I’m glad you have it.” He turns and joins everyone in the dining room. I sigh and follow him. My mom bustles around, meeting everyone while she tries to get food on the table. She must have known everyone was coming because she’s prepared a feast.

Garrett’s smile is reassuring as he pulls my chair out for me. Luke keeps his distance and sits at the other end of the table. We squeeze into the space as best we can. Mark insists on standing when my mom realizes there’s no chair for her.

My uncle fills the time with chatter about anything and everything. My eyes keep meeting Luke’s and after a while, I stop fighting it. I’m so drawn to him it’s like trying to force magnets apart.

“Liv and Garrett can take y’all into town and show you around tomorrow. It won’t take too long. Charlie will return the next day. He can show you around the farm.”

I blink and face my uncle. “What are you talking about?”

“We’re going to help your dad and uncle out on the farm. Your uncle was gracious enough to invite us to stay with him,” Mark says.

“All of them?”

My dad puts his hand on my knee and squeezes. “Just Luke and Mark. Everyone else is visiting for the week.”

They smile at me, except for Vera. She’s staring at Garrett across from her, who refuses to meet her gaze.

This is another damn set up. They all kept their mouths shut when they knew Luke was going to break up with me. And they kept me in the dark, yet again. My appetite disappears and I stand from the table. “Is this why you made Charlie leave so suddenly? You knew Luke was coming?”

My uncle winces, and I have my answer. I glare at my dad, but he avoids my gaze. I finally turn my rage to Luke. “Have you learned nothing?”