
Charliereachesoverthecenter console and takes my hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss my inner wrist before he clasps his fingers through mine and sets our joined hands on his lap. We’ve been stealing touches like this and sometimes kisses when nobody is around. He’s terrified of my dad, but I’m not worried about it. Dad never would have hired Charlie if he thought he was a bad person. I won’t let Charlie lose his job just because he likes me. But I’m not ready for anyone to find out. As much as I’m ready to move on, I’m also terrified, but Charlie makes the idea more appealing as the days pass.

We pull onto a dirt lane, and he slows and swerves to avoid large potholes. We turn the bend and an old, abandoned barn comes into view. He didn’t tell me where we were going, only to bring my camera. He told Garrett where we’d be and, after some pleading, he agreed to stay behind.

Charlie parks in the grass and lets go of my hand to reach behind me and grab my camera bag. I meet him at the front of the truck, and he puts the strap over his head. I’m in his arms and he’s kissing me before I can blink, making me giggle into his mouth. A few heated seconds pass and we part.

“Sorry, I just had to,” he says.

“You don’t need to apologize.”

We grin at each other for a few moments, then he leads me inside the dark interior while I attempt to catch my breath. Beams of sunlight filter through the wooden slats. Some are missing, creating intermittent swaths of light. Cobwebs fill the corners and dirt and dead leaves are strewn everywhere. The rusted hood of an ancient tractor sits against the wall to the right. We reach a ladder leading up to the loft and Charlie climbs it with ease, even though it creaks and groans. I stare at the rickety thing, impressed it’s holding his weight. He stops midway and turns back. “Come on. It’ll hold. I promise.”

I raise a skeptical eyebrow but grab onto the rung in front of my face and place a tentative step, hoisting myself up. He extends his hand for me when I get near the top, hauling me the rest of the way. He turns on a camping lantern and I smile at the setup. There’s a blanket laid out on top of a twin air mattress, forming a makeshift couch with pillows propped up against the wall. A bottle of wine with two glasses sits on the floor nearby. We ate dinner in town with Garrett before we came here, and I smile when I see a plastic container of what looks like apple crumb pie.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“I know the bed is presumptuous, but it was easier than hauling chairs up here,” he says, fussing with the light when it blinks.

“Are we on a date?” I ask.

He bangs his fist against the side of the lantern, and it stays on. He faces me, his cheeks flushed with nerves, an adorable trait I can relate to. “Do you want it to be a date?”

I approach him and kiss his cheek. “Yes. This is amazing. Thank you.”

He grins and pulls the camera bag off his shoulder and hands it to me. “I thought you could take some great photos. The aesthetic is beautiful, especially at this time of day when the sun is going down.”

I love his artsy side. He surprised me with the way he views the world. Full of contagious, childlike wonder. I pull out my camera and turn it on. “It’s beautiful, Charlie. How did you find this place?”

He shrugs. “I stumbled on it a few months back. I come out here to clear my head and meditate.” He sets the camera bag on the floor next to the picnic basket.

I adjust the settings and take a few photos of the sunlight filtering through. “You meditate?” I ask.

“Yea. Otherwise, I’d go insane. I can show you how to do it. It might help with your dreams.”

I told Charlie that I was having vivid dreams about Luke, and instead of telling me I was crazy, he said he understood. He opens the wine and pours while I take photos out of the huge open door that faces the front. It grows quiet and I turn to find him barefoot, seated with his legs crisscrossed, his palms resting on his knees and his eyes closed. He looks so beautiful with the late afternoon light glowing behind him. I focus the lens and snap a few shots.

His eyes stay closed, but his mouth curves up. “Quit creeping and take a seat.”

I chuckle and set the camera on the mattress. I face him and copy his pose. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. “Hey, gorgeous.”

I blush and he grins as heat blooms between my legs. He clears his throat. “Close your eyes. Push everything away.”

I do as he says, taking a calming breath.

“Clear your mind, so there’s nothing. No Luke. No Garrett. Not even me or your dad. There’s just calm.”

His voice drops low and is so soothing I want to fall asleep, but I stay seated. My breathing slows as I relax in the few moments of silence. “Now, find your center. It’s low, deep.”

I search for something in the darkness and gasp when a golden pool of glowing light appears.

“It’s ok. It won’t hurt you. Reach out and touch it.”

I hesitate, but dip my hand into the pool. The flames of light wrap around my hand, licking along my skin. It tickles and I giggle as the glow pulses like it recognizes me. But that’s silly.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

“Of course it is. It’s you,” Charlie responds.