
Numb.Ifeelnumb.I’m not sure how long I’ve been in this bed. It seems like it’s only been hours, but I’m sure it’s been longer. I lay awake, staring at the blue curtains of John’s spare room that was his room when we were growing up. He converted my old room into an office. Dylan is asleep on the air mattress tonight. They’re taking turns keeping watch over me. It’s just past two in the morning and I’m having a moment of clarity. Anger replaces the numbness.

Everyone, except for John, knew that Luke was on his way to tear my heart out. I don’t understand why they didn’t warn me. They’ve all apologized several times, but I’m still grumpy about it.

“I can hear you stewing over there,” Dylan says with a yawn. His head pops up at the end of the bed.

“You would be too if everyone you love betrayed you,” I grumble.

He scoffs. “Quit being dramatic. We all feel like shit about it, but Luke didn’t give us much of a choice. It wasn’t our place. Are you going to punish us forever?”


He sighs and falls back to the air mattress. I huff out a sigh. Deep down, I know he’s right. I can’t be mad at them forever, and it’s exhausting. My anger towards Luke outshines them all anyway.

I haven’t showered. Grease coats my scalp and the smell every time I lift my arms isn’t pleasant. Maybe it’s time.

I push the blankets aside and set my feet on the floor. I’ve left the room to use the toilet and brush my teeth, so I have that going for me. With a sigh, I stand, and Dylan sits up. “You ok?”

“Yea. I just... need a shower.” He rubs his eyes and I smile at the child-like gesture. I move to the dresser that I saw John put my clothes in a few days ago. Someone must have collected my things from the condo. I pull out clean underwear and pajamas and follow Dylan to the bathroom. He flips on the light and we both squint at the sudden brightness. I gasp at my reflection.

My hair is worse than I thought. There are purple bags under my eyes, despite all the sleep I’ve been getting. God, I look like shit. “Good thing I’m not trying to impress anyone,” I mutter, and Dylan chuckles.

“I bet there’s someone out there who gets off on swamp monsters. Don’t sell yourself short.”

My chuckle is only a small burst of sound, but the smile it puts on Dylan’s face makes me accept the momentary happiness before I let it fade.

He opens the linen cabinet in the corner and hands me a towel. “Holler if you need me.”

He leaves, shutting the door behind him. I sigh and strip out of my shorts and tank I’ve been wearing for too long. I wrinkle my nose when I lift my arms over my head.

A satisfied groan escapes when the glorious hot water hits my skin. I lather my hair and try not to think about all the showers I shared with Luke. I have a memory of him for everything I do in life. The numbness I had mastered disappears and the pain returns with a sharp stab. I suck in a breath and let the tears mix with the water running down my body.

God, this hurts. I want to hate Luke, and I doubt my anger will ever go away, but I know he thinks he’s doing the right thing. He always said he would do whatever it took to keep me safe. He’s a man of his stupid word. I guess my happiness isn’t important, because if it was, I’d be waking up in his arms right now. What a colossal waste.

My fingers dig into my scalp, and I lean my head under the spray. Using the loofah, I scrub hard to get the stink off my body. I shave my legs and armpits and frown when the cream sputters out. I need to buy more, but then I remember I’m broke. Luke was ‘taking care of me.’ I can’t stop the snarky voice in my head. Ugh, I’m such an idiot.

I let the water massage my shoulders for a few extra minutes as my tears stutter to a stop. The faucet creaks as I shut the water off. I towel dry my hair and go through the motions of making myself presentable.

When I return to the room, Dylan has changed my sheets and tucked the corners with military precision.

“Thank you. For everything, Dylan,” I say.

“You’re welcome. Feel better?” he asks, plopping down onto the bed.

“Much.” He grins at that.

“You look much better. It looked like a rat was nesting in your hair. Glad you got that taken care of.” He smirks at me, and I chuckle.

A huge yawn splits my face, and he pulls back the covers. I crawl under them, and he tucks me in like a child. It’s silly but comforting. I gaze at him with watery eyes.

“Hang in there, ok? You’re not alone, Princess.”

Hearing my nickname makes me smile. I reach out and squeeze his hand. He squeezes back and lets go, shutting off the light before settling onto the air mattress.

It doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep.

My eyes fly open, and I sit up. I’m alone. I face the open door and Luke stands there watching me. He steps into the room, a smile on his handsome face. I fling the covers back, planning to run to him but freeze when another man appears behind him. It’s Scotty. He sneers at me and reaches his hand up, running a blade across Luke’s throat from behind. Blood pours down his neck as he clutches it and falls to his knees, his eyes wide. He reaches for me, but I can’t move. A scream forms deep in my belly and flies up my throat and out of my mouth as Scotty advances. He takes quick strides and stabs the knife in my chest.