“He’ll be pissed. But he won’t hate you.”

She nods, then turns her head to face me. “Thanks, Liv.”

“And you need to tell Brando to leave you alone. He took advantage of you, and that’s not ok.” Which is a discussion I plan on having with him. He’s my friend, but he knows better than to do that.

She shakes her head. “He was drunk too. It’s not his fault. He kept apologizing and made me breakfast. He never stays that long.”

I heave out a sigh. What a mess.

“Garrett deserves better than me, anyway. I knew I would fuck it up somehow. He’s too perfect.”

“Hey, quit talking shit about my best friend. You’re amazing. And I know he wouldn’t agree with you.”

She sighs and we try to find the best way for her to break the news to Garrett. Whatever happens, it won’t be pretty. But I know Garrett loves her. The way he looks at her? I’ve seen it before in a pair of blue eyes, and I’ll never forget what it means.

Dylan and Garrett return a month later and Jackson, ever the one to find an excuse for a party, hosts one at his condo.

I ride with John and follow him inside. I’ve been to Jackson’s a few times and always marvel at the modern design. He converted his dining room into a music room. An electric baby grand piano sits underneath the heavy-duty window. Several guitars hang from the wall. He’s a talented singer from what Luke told me, but I’ve never heard him sing. He brushes me off every time I ask him about it.

Everyone is there already, sitting around the spacious living room or in the kitchen, making drinks. Country music plays over the fancy speakers he has set up around the open floor plan. It’s a private affair, just our core group. Dylan pulls me in for a hug, even though I picked him up from the airport this morning and hugged the crap out of him. He’s learning.

“I have a surprise for you.” He grins and motions behind me.

I turn around and fling myself into my dad’s waiting arms. He hugs me tight, and I hum as I squeeze back. “Hey, Livvie.”

I smile up at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Can’t a dad want to see his kids?” He kisses the top of my head and I lean into him.

John hugs him next, and I run back to Dylan and squeeze him. “Thank you.”

He smirks before stepping aside so I can greet everyone else.

We eat and drink while laughter floats around the room. My dad hangs out with Mark and Garrett most of the night. Garrett makes him laugh like I haven’t seen in years.It makes my heart happy. My eyes meet Luke’s and he smiles before he faces Jordy again.

We’ve chatted a few times at the gym, and he’s come over for barbeque nights with the rest of the guys. We’re never alone together. Just when I think it’s fine and I’m getting over him, he’ll smile or speak, and I have to start all over. I can’t deny the heat in his gaze every time he looks at me. It’s so subtle, I doubt anyone would notice, but I can feel it reach deep into my soul.

After my fourth or fifth shot, I look up to find Luke smiling at me again. I walk up to him and we stare at each other for a few seconds, his soft smile turning into an amused grin. “You can talk to me. I won’t bite.” I giggle at my joke, and he flashes his trademark smile that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

“You should get that smile of yours insured. It’s dangerous,” I say. He just laughs and shakes his head. Someone hands me another drink and the party rages through the night.