“Good timing then.”

“I should thank you, too. I never would have Garrett or Dylan, or the rest of the guys without you.”

He winces and I sigh.

“I don’t have any regrets, Luke. Not one.”

His eyes are tight, but he doesn’t comment.

“I’m glad we could move on from this, though. I hope you’re able to find someone worth listening to.”

He frowns. “That’s not what—”

I cut him off by stepping away. “Let’s not rehash it. We just need to move on and be happy. That’s all I want for us.”

He sighs and is about to say something, but I spin and make my escape to the bar. I slam back the shot Austin has ready for me. “Thanks.”

He glances behind me. “You looked like you could use it.”

I appreciate him, but there aren’t enough shots in the world to fix my broken heart.He squeezes my shoulder before moving on to help other customers.

I cling to the happiness I felt earlier and use it to get me through the rest of the night.