He nods. “I never imagined I’d get the chance to tell you this. The minute it was all over, you’re the only person I wanted to talk to. But not only had I lost my wife; I’d lost my best friend. It was all on me. My mistake, and my consequences. I loved you through it all, even though I lost my way.”

Tears drip down my face and he removes one of his hands to wipe them away. “I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. And I’m not trying to get back together. I’m not asking for forgiveness, either. I only want you to know that you did nothing wrong, and I’m so sorry I hurt you. Hurt us.”

I wrap my arms around him, and he leans over and holds me tight as I cry into his shoulder, only realizing in this moment how much I needed this.

“I forgive you, Jeremy,” I whisper.

His chest heaves as he sucks in a breath and his silent tears wet my shirt. We stay there in a silent memorial for the love we once shared. He pulls away and cups my face with one hand, his cheeks shiny and wet. “Thank you, Liv. I’m so grateful for the time we had together.”

I smile through my tears as he stands and pulls me to my feet. “Let’s quit messing around. We’ve got work to do.” He smiles and wipes his face with the back of his hand.

It takes a minute, but we fall into a rhythm and continue with the workout. We part with a hug, and I leave feeling lighter and fuller all at once.

Dylan glowers as I approach. “So, we’ve forgiven the asshat?” he asks, having already adopted John’s terminology for him.

I nod. “We have.”

He sighs. “John is going to be pissed.”

I snort laugh and we head to the exit.