
Markentersthegymand I jump up from the bench and run for him. He laughs and absorbs the impact as he wraps his arms around me.

“I missed you too, Sparrow.”

The guys catch up and greet him with back-clapping bro hugs. I haven’t seen him since the night Luke left over three months ago. We’ve spoken on the phone, but it’s not the same.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” I bounce on the balls of my feet. This weekend is my thirtieth birthday and Vera convinced me to go out on the town. With Jackson’s hook-ups, we’re getting VIP treatment at an exclusive club. I can’t say I’m thrilled with the idea, but they all seem excited, so I’m going along with it.

Mark works out with me, and I bite my tongue every time I get the urge to ask about Luke. When we finish, he pulls me aside.

“You look good, Liv,” he grins and squeezes my arm.

“I’m trying.”

His smile grows. “Good.”

I stare at his muscular forearms, and he sighs. “It’s ok to ask about him.”

I consider for a few seconds before I nod.

“I won’t lie to you. It’s been rough, but he’s working on it.”

“What’s going on?” I rest my hand on his arm. “Please Mark. Tell me.”

He sighs. “He hasn’t been himself since he left you.”

I’m mad he left me, but I don’t want him to suffer. I’m still in love with him. Susan helped me see past my anger and admit my truths. I’ll always love him, and that’s ok. I just have to accept it and move on. Still working on that last part.

“Is that why you were gone so long?”

He nods but doesn’t elaborate.

“What can I do to help?”

He takes my hand and squeezes. “He’s not your problem anymore.”

It hurts more than I thought it would. He squeezes my hand, and I meet his eyes. “He’ll be fine, eventually,” he says.

Mark will make sure of it. “Thank you for taking care of him.”

The next day, Garrett, Dylan, and I head towards the gym exit after my session with Brando. I stop when the man at the front counter looks my way, and his eyes widen.


“Jeremy. Hi,” I say, eyeing my ex-husband with caution. I don’t see Amber anywhere.

Garrett and Dylan stiffen and move closer to me. They’ve never met Jeremy, but they know of him.

Jeremy puts his hands up. “I’m not here to cause trouble. I was just signing up for membership. But I can find another gym. I didn’t know you worked out here.” He turns to Jackie, the receptionist, who looks at me.

Do I care that much about him anymore? No. Especially not here. If he tries anything, there’s a half-dozen men who will stop him before he even gets the chance.

“That’s ok, Jeremy. Don’t let me stop you. This is a great gym.”

He faces me and tilts his head to the side. It’s then I notice how great he looks. His beard is well groomed and flattering. He’s much healthier than the last time I saw him. It looks like he’s returned to a regular weight, and he’s even put on some muscle. His eyes are clear and he’s not acting like I’m a fragile flower he needs to protect.

“Are you sure?”