Tears pour out of her. Fucking hell. I’m an asshole. My own tears fall, and she lets me hug her.

“I’m sorry, Bug,” I whisper into her hair.

“You’re scaring me, Luke. You can’t keep doing this to yourself,” she says. I brush her hair out of her tear-stained face and look into her bloodshot eyes. What the fuck am I doing?

Jordy appears next to her. “You ready to be an adult?”

I let out a humorless laugh. “No. But I don’t have a choice.”

“Told you it would work.” Jordy winks at her and she smiles. A tiny beam of sunlight breaks through the darkness in my heart.

“Let’s get you sobered up.” Jordy tugs on my arm. I stand and toss some bills onto the counter and follow them back up to the suite, squeezing Emilia’s arm as I pass her. Her lips purse, but she doesn’t yell at me like I know she wants to.

I sigh as the elevator doors close on our group. “Thank you,” I say to them all. The doors open and we continue to the suite, where the pain I tried to bury waits for me.