Isipmywhiskeyand stare at the TV above the bar, airing a special on the sports channel about Brody Metzer. I’m not watching it. My ears are tuned to the voices I need to pay attention to around me. Liv and Vera are having some girl time in the far corner. Luke is talking with Jordy nearby.
A beautiful woman made of red light appears in front of me. The bartender walks right through her, oblivious. The red woman winks and blows me a kiss before she takes her top off. Fucking Charlie. He likes to let you know when he’s entered your mind, so he doesn’t feel like an intrusive dick, but he always comes up with shit like this.
“Do you enjoy turning me on?”I say in my mind as I take another sip of my drink.
The woman fades away. “Considering it’s the only action you ever get, you should thank me,”he replies.
“What do you need?”
“I’m not sure what it means, but I’m getting a weird sensation. Something's off.”
“What should I do about it?”
“I don’t know. Just stay alert.”
“Did you tell Raven?”
“Yep. He says nothing is popping up.”
“Maybe you’re just having indigestion.”
I can sense his eye roll. The woman appears again and flips me off before disappearing. Charlie’s presence fades away.
The first time I allowed him to enter my mind was the creepiest sensation I’ve ever experienced; like a hand grabbing onto my subconscious. He’s gotten better about it over the years, and I’ve gotten used to it. Unfortunately, once a Telepath gets in your head, it’s a lifetime pass, even if you close your memories to them.
He’s told me my mind is the most closed off he’s ever visited. I’m not surprised. But that means he has to be extra careful. Forcing his way into someone’s head without permission, even on accident, can be deadly for that person. It's a useful tool when we’re in the shit, although it takes a toll on Charlie. He’s not a killer like me. His Empath abilities are a blessing and a curse. They allow us to know what we’re walking into, but it means he feels every emotion ten times more acutely than the rest of us. Which explains so much about Liv, too. It's why it took her so long to recover from the breakup, and why she ended up in Texas. When you feel something that strong, it's that much harder to process.
I listen for her voice, but don’t find it. Vera is on the dancefloor with Brando. Luke and Liv have disappeared. Knowing them, they snuck out to the car to make up for lost time. I smirk and shake my head, extending my hearing outside the bar. There’s nothing unusual. I’m about to pull back when I hear the distinct click of a weapon’s safety disengaging.
“Raven, I’ve got something,” I murmur.
“All is silent here,” he responds.
This is Texas. It could just be a random person. I extend my hearing further and a heavy door thuds shut. Without warning, high pitched static fills my ears. Panic threatens to take over as I sever my ability. I grab my head as the room spins and my ears ring. The pain is so intense, I can’t speak.
“Why is your heart rate up?” Raven asks, adding to the stabbing pain.
When I don’t respond, he curses and cuts the connection on his end, since mine is now fried. Blood trickles out of my ears and I use the bar napkin to wipe it away as the pain dissipates.
Garrett sprints down the hall leading to the back, the guys following. I leave out the front door and suck in air as my accelerated healing works its miracle. The red woman appears, fully clothed with a concerned look on her face.
“I’m on my way.What’s happening?” Charlie asks.
Garrett chases after a car. Luke and Liv’s heat signatures are in the trunk. Fuck.
“They brought a scrambler. My implant is toast. They grabbed Liv and Luke, headed east.”
He curses. “Raven says they’re blocking him. We’re going in blind.”
This just went from bad to impossible. Using my enhanced speed, I follow the car at a distance, staying out of sight. Charlie catches up and we slow to a stop at a stand of trees behind an abandoned warehouse. The car parks near the entrance and they take Liv and Luke inside. They pull Mark from the back of the car. I curse when my heat vision reveals dozens of armed men inside.
“This is bad,” Charlie announces, still speaking in my mind since it’s safer. His tense energy swirls around my head.
“Stay calm. Does Raven have anything?”
“They’ve disabled the satellite, but it's only temporary. He should be back online in about five minutes.”