“Dennis, you said… you said you wouldn’t hurt her,” Barbara says from nearby, her voice trembling and meek.

He flicks his wrist and I’m grabbed by another of the goons. He hauls me to the other side of the large room and handcuffs me to a chair facing Mark and my dad about twenty feet away.

Davenport moves over to my mom and caresses her cheek like he just did to me. “I said I wouldn’t hurt her as long as everyone cooperated.”

He grabs her chin. “But she needs to learn her manners, doesn’t she?”

My mom’s gaze drops to the floor. “Yes, Sir.”

He pats her cheek, and I cringe. My heart breaks for her, even though she might have just led us all to our deaths. I have a feeling she might be a victim in this too.

Davenport faces my dad. “Mr. Sutton. I apologize for the deception, but it was necessary. You’ve been a great help to our cause.”

My dad glares at him and pink-tinted spit flies from his mouth and lands on Davenport’s thousand-dollar shoes. The man’s lips form a line, and he clears his throat. “I see where your daughter gets her charming manners from.” He bends down and gets in Dad’s face. “I hope you enjoyed my wife while you could. It’s not every day another man gets to touch what’s mine and live.”

Dad’s fists flex, but he maintains his composure somehow. They stare each other down for a few tense moments, then Davenport punches him in the gut. Dad grunts and coughs as Davenport stands back and straightens his tie.

“Leave him alone!” I screech. Luke pleads with his silent gaze for me to stay calm and I take a breath.

“Come here, my sweet,” Davenport says, and Barbara jumps to his bidding. He pulls her in for a passionate kiss. My mom reciprocates, a pleasured whimper escaping her as he runs a hand down her backside. My dad keeps his eyes on me, but I see the torment in his gaze. A sob escapes as tears pour down my face. How could she do this to him?

They part and Davenport sneers at my dad. “Tell him.”

Davenport keeps his arm around Barbara, and she leans into his side as she sneers at Dad. “Dennis would never cheat on me like you did. I’ll never forgive you for destroying our family.”

My dad stares at her in disbelief and my world flips on its axis. It can’t be true. My dad would never do that.

Davenport chuckles and looks over at me. My dad’s face falls, and he avoids my gaze. “Looks like daddy’s little girl knows the truth now. She picked the wrong parent.”

My lips press together. Fuck this guy. “I’m with you, Dad. I don’t care what happened.”

Davenport grins. “Such devotion. But I’m getting distracted. Let’s get to business, shall we?” He turns to Luke. “It’s simple. All I need is the list.”

Luke’s eyebrows lower. “What list?”

Davenport sighs. “The list we killed your father for.” Luke lunges for him, fighting against the men holding him.

The goon next to me grabs me by the throat and my eyes bulge as my lungs protest the lack of oxygen.

Luke stills and the man releases me. I suck in precious air, glaring at the asshole as I straighten.

“I don’t have a list,” Luke grits through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you have it, you just don’t know it.” He nods at the soldiers against the wall. The two men with the metal headbands step forward. One extends his hand towards Luke, and I stare in complete disbelief as an invisible force lifts him into the air. Somehow Luke remains calm, his arms outstretched while his boots hover a few feet off the ground.

“Miguel, see what you can find. Don’t kill him.” The other man with the headband nods and faces Luke. I scream when he convulses, and his eyes roll back in his head.

“Let him go!” But they ignore me.

I search around the room, desperate for a way out of this, but all I see are black-clad men. Hope dwindles by the second. Even if Garrett and Dylan show up with the guys, they’re outnumbered. Unless Luke has an army I’m unaware of, we’re not getting out of this.

It seems to last for hours, but minutes later, Luke’s head slumps forward while he gasps for breath. “There’s a block. It will take time to break through.” The way Miguel says it makes my skin crawl.

“Let’s try a faster method,” Davenport says, and Luke drops to the ground, landing in a crouch before he straightens.

“The son of a Creator.” Davenport’s face softens and his tone becomes reverent as he speaks. “Even though James defected, we wouldn’t be here without him. It pains me to have to do this to his son. I want you to know it’s not personal. One day, I hope you’ll understand it’s all for the greater good, and you’ll join our ranks as the leader he intended you to be.”

Luke glares at him. “What the fuck kind of sadistic cult are you running here?”