Myalarmgoesoffand I groan. I feel around for my phone, pressing it three times before it shuts off. I roll over with a grunt, startling when I run into a warm body. Vera grumbles but doesn’t move.
I drag myself into a seated position and shuffle to my dresser. I pull out a sports bra, dry wick t-shirt and my favorite booty shorts. Something feels off. Then I realize it’s because Garrett never flung my door open. My anger has vanished overnight. Now, I only feel sadness and a hint of guilt that my brother from another mother is mad at me.
“What in God’s name are you doing up so early?” Vera mumbles, rolling onto her back.
“I’m a runner now.”
“Gross.” She covers her head with the covers when I open the door again. I don’t even bother asking if she wants to join.
The bathroom door opens, and I pass Jackson with a grunt. I use the toilet and brush my teeth. I spend about three seconds getting my hair up into a bun and swipe on deodorant.
My mouth gapes in an enormous yawn as I trudge down the stairs.Jackson hands me a cup of coffee, black like my morning soul, and I sip before tying my shoes. My dad appears looking fresh as a daisy. My mom never joins us for these runs, either. Guess I’m in the crazy club now.
He kisses my head and finishes the rest of my coffee. Not that he needs it. I stifle another yawn as I walk onto the porch, then freeze when I find Dylan and Garrett warming up. Garrett straightens and looks up at me from the bottom of the steps. He’s not angry anymore either.
We stand there, staring at each other as the rest of the crew, except for Jordy and Skye, approach. “I’m sorry,” I finally say.
He walks up the steps and pulls me in for a hug. “Me, too.” We squeeze each other tight. “But I meant what I said.”
“Except for that whole quitting part. Don’t worry, Liv, I refused his letter of resignation,” Dylan says and I chuckle.
“Good,” I say as Garrett steps back.
He smiles, but there’s some remaining tension I know we’ll have to work through. He hops down the steps and we follow him.
I cringe when I notice Luke. I haven’t given one ounce of shit about my appearance on these morning runs, but I grow self-conscious. My hair is a wild mess, but a headband keeps it out of my face. I look like death warmed over.
He tries to make eye contact with me, but I avoid his gaze.
“I’ll run with you today,” Dad says. I nod and we all start a light jog down the driveway. Garrett and Dylan are in the lead, with Uncle Mike, Jackson, and Mark behind them. Luke is ahead of me and my dad with Brando and Jackson. We’re in a rhythm by the time we reach the main road.
“I hated seeing you and Garrett argue. I’m glad you guys made up,” Dad says after a few minutes of silence.
“Yea, I think I really pissed him off.”
He chuckles. “You two are so alike, even I forget you’re not related sometimes. You’ve blown up at me like that before, too. Do you remember?”
I smile at the memory, even though at the time I wanted to disown him. He stormed into the one and only house party I ever attend in high school. Of course, I never asked for permission because he’d say no. But I was eighteen and suddenly endowed with the wisdom of an adult. He was in his uniform and had two officers with him. He interrupted my first kiss by yanking the poor guy off me and hauling me away in the back of his squad car like a criminal. I was mortified and when we got home, I lost it. John witnessed the entire thing and claims it was like watching two volcanoes fight each other.
“You humiliated a teenager in front of the cool kids. What did you think would happen?” I say and he laughs.
“You’re welcome for saving you,” he quips and I roll my eyes to the sky.
“Dad, for the thousandth time, it was just a kiss.”
He huffs but he’s accomplished his goal. My mood is much lighter. When we get to the halfway point of the route, I see Luke slow, and the guys run ahead.Crap.
He matches our pace and falls into step beside me, but Dad doesn’t leave me because he knows what’s good for him.Ironically, now that I’m older, the guy I want him to yank away is the guy he wants me to be closer to.
“It’s weird seeing you up early. And running.”
“Yea, I didn’t have a choice.”
“You’re talking. That’s pretty impressive.”
“I’m still the slow poke.”