“You want to know how I know Liv is the one for you?” he asks, meeting my gaze.

He doesn’t wait for me to answer before he continues. “She reminds me of your mom. Tough as nails but sweet as pie.”

I can’t help but smile. That’s exactly how I’d describe my mom. And Liv.

“Which brings me back to the fact that you’re a moron for letting her go,” he says.

I heave a sigh. “Brody…”

He shakes his head and finishes his drink. “I shouldn’t be surprised. You get off on self-sacrificing.”

“Excuse me for wanting to keep her safe.” I press my lips together and squeeze my eyes shut. He always been an expert at getting under my skin. What else is family for?

“I’m not stupid, Luke. There’s only one reason you would leave her like this. I’m sure you think you’re doing the right thing, and hell, you probably are. But you need to stop thinking in absolutes or you’ll be alone forever.”

“How is that possible when I have you?”

He snorts and shakes his head. “Sorry handsome, you’re not my type.”

He waits with an expectant gaze. Glancing around, I confirm nobody is close enough to eavesdrop before I lower my voice and lean closer to him. “Scotty attacked her.”

His jaw clenches. “Motherfucker. Is she ok?”

“She killed him, but not before he…” a lump forms in my throat and Brody puts a hand on my shoulder, his eyes tight.


I clear my throat. “He didn’t get too far, but he touched her. I failed her, so I had to let her go. Being around me is too dangerous. I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”

He squeezes my shoulder, staring at me as he puts the pieces together. “Jesus dude. I’m so sorry.”

I shrug. “She’s safe now. That’s all that matters.”

He takes his hand back. “If Scotty is dead, what’s the problem?”

“I’ve already told you too much.”

He stares at me so long that I meet his hard gaze. “I know you’ve seen shit that no human should ever have to face. But I can handle it, Luke. You don’t have to protect me. I can take care of myself. Let me help you.”

I stare at him for a long moment then glance at Fox. He nods, letting me know I'm safe to speak. “Scotty was working for someone. They want information from me related to my dad and Reilly Tech. And they’re willing to kill for it.”

He swallows and nods slowly. “Then it’s simple. Eliminate the threat and get her back.”

“I don’t know how long it will take. It’s not fair to her. She deserves a happy life with someone who can keep her safe.”

Brody rolls his eyes. “You’re so full of shit.”

He ignores my glare. “You don’t understand.”

“Sure, I do. You’re terrified of losing her, just like you lost your parents. But you’re thinking about it all wrong. You keep people safe by keeping them close. That's why you moved to San Diego when Skye went to college instead of staying in LA. It’s too late to go back and not love Liv anymore. Who’s to say these assholes aren’t aware of that?”

I stare into my glass as I contemplate his words. Brody knows me better than anyone. Is he right?

“She loves you, Luke. The real you that you hide from the world. She somehow broke through all your barriers. Don’t let this last one prevent you from a happy life with her.”

My eyes burn as the truth of his words sink in. “She didn’t break through them. She got me to lower them without a second thought.”

Brody smiles. “Then you know what you have to do.”