“Where is she now?”

He shrugs. “We broke off all contact. Since Scotty is here, I’m assuming it didn’t work out with her how he wanted.”

It all tracks, except... “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s not a time of my life I’m proud of. Anna thought it was more serious between us, and I didn’t tell her I wasn’t feeling the same. I was young and dumb and playing into stereotypes.”

My gaze sinks to our joined hands. I can’t hold his past against him, but I have to know the answer to my next question.

“What about all the women you’re with when I search your name?”

Luke's eyes soften and the guys do a terrible job at holding back smirks. “They’re influential people who brought attention to the charities I support. Nothing more. I promise.”

“Told you that would come back to bite you in the ass,” Brando says.

“It was a PR thing the marketing team at Reilly Tech came up with. I only did it because Emilia asked me. I hated it.”

The guys are still smirking, so I can only imagine the amount of shit they gave him over it. I relax as he cups my face with one hand. “I love you, Liv. You’re the only woman I’ll ever love. Whatever happens, believe that.”

I smile and lean into his palm. “I love you too.”

He grins and pulls me to my feet, wrapping me in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with him. I threatened a lawsuit against him. He can’t afford it. It should force him to back off.”

I sigh and nod. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t be. Gotta keep me on my toes somehow,” he says and I smile. “Besides, I’m shocked it took you this long to admit you Googled me.”

I wince, and he chuckles. “Our best friends have big mouths,” he says and I glare at Brando.

Brando crosses his arms. “I won’t apologize. Vera knows my bros before hoes policy.” He and Jackson fist bump. Mark rolls his eyes, making me love him that much more.

Luke ignores them all. “Are you ok?”

I nod and his shoulders relax. I shouldn’t let Scotty derail what I know in my heart is the truth. Luke is a good man. He’d never do anything to hurt me. Once we’ve both calmed down, I follow Brando to start our session. I work off the adrenaline from the confrontation outside. Halfway through, Luke appears, but doesn’t interrupt. He knows his presence helps to calm me, but maybe I do the same for him. I focus my energy and imagine Scotty’s face when I punch the bag Brando holds still for me. If Scotty thinks he can hurt Luke through me, he’s mistaken.

Word continues to spread that Luke and I are dating. The reaction is overwhelming. Every person I’ve ever met reaches out to me, reminding me that we were best friends in 5th grade or they really enjoyed meeting me that one time at a work function years ago. Random strangers message me, some nice, some inappropriate and a little scary. I drop my phone and sigh.

“Jesus, how have you dealt with this your entire life?” I turn to Luke, who sits next to me on the couch.

“You figure out pretty quick who your real friends are.” I drape my thigh over his lap, and he squeezes it. He continues scrolling through his phone, going through work emails, those sexy glasses perched on his nose.

His brow furrows in concentration as he types something. I reach out and run my fingers through his short hair. His lips quirk up, and he leans into my touch while he types. When he finishes, he tosses his phone aside, not caring that it clatters to the floor, and pulls me into his lap. I grin and continue to run my fingers over his scalp.

“Mm, that feels good.” He closes his eyes and leans his head against the couch, giving me a view of his solid neck. His Adam’s apple bounces as he swallows, and I lean down and pepper kisses down the side of it and let out a contented sigh.

“What’s that smile for?” He asks, running his hand up and down my thigh.

“I’m so happy, with everything, with you.”

“It’s my life's mission to keep it that way.” He takes off his glasses and sets them on the arm of the couch next to him. “I’m sorry I come with all this drama. You know you can still bail, right?”

“Not a chance. You’re stuck with me.”


He smiles, and I giggle as he nuzzles my neck. With a deep growl, he picks me up and carries me to the kitchen. He sets me on the island counter and I raise my eyebrow. “Whatchya doing?”

“I have this fantasy...” he pulls my shirt off and my bra follows, “that I’ve been dying to make reality.” His gaze darkens as he watches me.