“Good mornin’ fellas. How’s it hanging?” His slight southern accent makes him seem like an innocent farm boy from the heartland who walks grandmas across the street and calls everyone ma’am and sir. Women eat that shit up, especially here in San Diego. He does all of those things too, but he’s not afraid to use it to his advantage for attracting women. Lots of them. He and Brando have no problem finding dates.

I’m not judging. I’ll support whatever makes them happy. But we couldn’t be more different in our romantic endeavors.

“A little to left,” Brando responds and they both laugh as they bump fists. I smirk but otherwise ignore them because I know what’s coming.

Jackson frowns at me. “Still pining after your damsel?” Yep, there it is.

“Will you guys give it a break, please? You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

“Nuh-uh. It’s been years since you’ve looked at a woman. Now you can’t stop gabbing about one. We’re all over this, brother.”

“Of course I’ve looked at women. I’m not a fucking monk.”

They both laugh. “Could have fooled us.” Brando mutters as he leans back in his chair.

“You guys still giving him shit?” Mark asks as he walks into the office.

“Like you’re surprised,” Jackson says, grinning.

Mark crosses his arms and leans against the desk and regards me with his own grin. “She call yet?”

I sigh and glare at him, which only makes him chuckle.

“You’re like a lovesick teenager. This is the most entertainment I’ve had in months.”

I frown at the room full of nosy assholes. Brothers I wouldn’t hesitate to lay my life down for. I met Brando in boot camp. He was a big ass dude, even back then. We both met Jackson a few months later when he joined our unit. All three of us were Mark’s boots. We’ve been to hell and back several times together and after I got out of the Marines, Brando and Jackson soon followed.

Mark left a few years ahead of us and I poached him from my dad’s best friend’s security company in New York. Jim Maddox was the head of my dad’s security growing up, and when he retired, my dad helped him set up his own security firm. I helped Mark get the job when he joined the civilian world. At Dad’s funeral, I offered Mark double his salary to come work for me. He didn’t hesitate and we’ve been together ever since.

My phone rings and vibrates the metal desk. Our eyes fly to the screen. It’s an unknown number. They all meet my eyes with shit-eating grins.Fuck.

I do not want to talk to Liv in front of them. But it might not be her. I grab it before I miss the call.

“This is Luke.” My stomach turns. The assholes lean in because I’d never put it on speaker.

Her sweet voice floods into my ear, and a wave of relief washes over me. “Hi Luke. This is Liv Sutton. You might not remember me. You gave me your card after you rescued me in the alley the other day…” she trails off, waiting for me to acknowledge her. Like I’d forget that smile and those eyes and those legs in that sexy pencil skirt. Not to mention her a… Brando nudges me and I clear my throat.

“Yes, of course I remember. How are you Liv?” I can picture her smiling and an odd but pleasant sensation settles over me. Is that... contentment? It’s foreign and yet comfortable.

“I’m good. How are you?”

“I’m doing great thanks.” There’s an awkward pause. I blink as I try to figure out what to say next. Jackson sighs and palms his forehead. Brando mouths something, but I can’t make it out. Mark just covers his mouth with his hand to hold back a laugh. So fucking helpful, this lot.

She saves me. “Good. I’m glad. So uh, I was wondering if the offer still stood about the self-defense lesson?”

“Absolutely. When do you want to come in?”

“Tomorrow or the next day? I don’t want to wait too long or I’ll talk myself out of it,” she chuckles. Jackson wiggles his eyebrows.

“No problem. One sec let me check the schedule real quick.”


I put her on mute. “Dude, she sounds hot,” Jackson says.

I ignore him and push him aside so I can get to my computer mouse to bring up the schedule.

Shit. I’m all booked up for the rest of the week. I think about it for a second, then pull up Brando’s schedule. If I’m being honest, Brando would be the better choice. This is his passion, and he’s the best at it. For Liv to get the most out of her sessions, Brando needs to train her. She would distract me, and that’s not fair to her. I find an opening tomorrow and look over at him.