Mark shifts. He knows it’s been too long. Finally he moves to the bathroom, and I let out a sigh of relief. He opens the door and one of the heat signatures makes a quick exit.
“Follow Scotty,” Raven says, and I take off and slip through the employee entrance a few feet away from the women’s restroom. I run straight into Scotty and use the opportunity to slip a tracker into his pocket. It should lock onto his phone and give Raven everything he needs. Scotty curses and glares at me.
“Watch where you’re going, asshole,” he says.
I put my hands up, but he’s already turned away from me. He pulls out an ancient looking flip phone from his pocket as he continues down the hall and disappears around a corner.
Raven curses. “I can’t track a burner phone.”
Shit.I turn and lock eyes with Mark. He takes in my outfit, identical to his and the rest of the security at the event. “Hey man, did you see anyone come this way?”
“No, but a blonde guy went out the employee door.” I point to the door I came through. Mark nods and heads in that direction. I turn and follow Scotty around the corner. I find him as he reaches the end of the hall and ducks out a fire door. Car engines and shouting reach me as it opens, then cuts off as it shuts with a thud.
I reach the door when someone calls out. “Excuse me, sir? Can I help you find something?” I press my lips together before donning a fake smile and turning to a pretty brunette who looks like the hotel manager.
Her gaze widens when I face her, and her grin grows. “Oh, you must be security for the event. I mistook you for a guest.”
“No problem, just taking my smoke break."
“Oh, good timing. I was just heading out for mine. Mind if I join you?” She brushes her hair over her shoulder.
My phone rings in my pocket. “Excuse me for a moment.”
She nods and clasps her hands together, moving a few feet away.
I bring the phone to my ear. “Scotty’s moving too fast to be on foot. He’s gone,” Raven says.
“Ok boss. I’ll be right there,” I say and hang up. I turn to the woman, who looks disappointed. “Duty calls.”
She reaches into her pocket and hands me her business card. “Call me when you’re done tonight. I can get us the presidential suite. There’s a hot tub and free champagne.” Her gaze travels up and down my body. Then she winks and turns, swaying her hips as she moves to the door. She looks back and we smirk at each other before she disappears into the night. I swallow and stand in indecision for a moment as I imagine the woman naked in a hot tub, holding a glass of champagne.
“Having fun?” Raven grumbles in my ear and I sigh and crumple her business card in my fist. I toss it in a trash can nearby and return to the lobby. It’s been years since I’ve been with a woman. Sue me for enjoying the attention I never get.
“Luke and Liv went back to the ballroom,” Raven says.
I grunt my acknowledgement and return to my post. I watch Liv dance and laugh, surrounded by a group of Marines. Luke watches her with adoration and a hint of wonder in his gaze. He’s lucky. The best I can hope for is a random hookup in a hotel room. I could call the woman, but the thought is bleak when faced with the connection Luke and Liv share. That’s not something I’ll ever have. I shake the thought away and focus on my mission. None of that matters. There’s no room for distractions in my life.