He scoffs and kisses the side of my head. “All I need is you.” He says it so matter-of-fact I have no choice but to believe him. It’s a heady feeling. “I’ll let you get dressed.” He closes the door behind him with a soft snick.

I decide to go braless since the straps on the dress are so thin and the neckline reveals the top of my sternum. I slip it on and tuck the girls in, satisfied that the dress will support them for the evening. In front of the mirror, an incredulous laugh bursts past my lips. I blush at how high the slit goes. It’s sexy, but in a classy way. I stand in indecision for a minute and decide to go without underwear, too.

My heartbeat picks up again as I think of hinting to Luke that I’m going commando and imagining his reaction. A giggle escapes me as I toss the panties into my open suitcase. I spritz on my perfume, put on the earrings that sparkle in the light, and step into the shoes, trying not to calculate how much my outfit costs. It’s about a year’s worth of my rent, if I had to guess. I push the thought away and give myself a firm nod in the mirror. This is happening.

I’ve never felt more glamorous and sexy in my entire life. It’s so beyond my comfort zone, I have no choice but to embrace it or my nerves will eat me alive. I breathe in, then out, and head into the living room. Mark cuts off his sentence as I enter the room, and they both stare at me.

Luke's lips part and his eyes roam my body as I approach.

I twirl for him. He puts his hand over his heart and watches me with a heated gaze. He looks so handsome in his tux. I step up to him and adjust his bowtie. “You’re so handsome.”

He grins and puts his finger under my chin and looks into my soul. “You are stunning.” He kisses me and the world disappears.

He pulls away with a grunt. “We should go before I carry you back to the room.”

I giggle as I step away from him.

“Ok, Liv. Game face. This will be your first public appearance with Luke, so you’ll get attention. Luke and I will try to shield you. If any press approaches, ignore them. I’ll be nearby all night, so you have nothing to worry about. I doubt Scotty will show up to something like this, but stay alert.” Mark says. I take a deep breath and nod. He holds out his fist and we bump. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

I smile at him. “Thanks, Mark.”

Luke holds his arm out to me and I take it. The three of us climb into a waiting limo when we get downstairs.

A few minutes later we pull up to a swanky hotel with tall arches and pillars decorating the front lined with sweeping red fabric and a banner announcing the charity event. There’s a short set of steps covered by a wide red carpet leading to the gala entrance. People dressed in fancy clothes and military uniforms loiter. Photographers clamor for their attention from the other side of metal barriers.

“Why aren’t you guys in uniform?” I ask.

Luke shrugs. “We’re old hats. I could dust it off for you, but the beard might ruin the aesthetic."

I laugh and run my hand over his jaw. “Well, we wouldn’t want that.”

He smiles and kisses my wrist. The limo waits in line for the drop off and my palms sweat the closer we get. My leg bounces and I gnaw on my lip.

When it’s our turn, Luke faces me with a calm smile. “Piece of cake, Liv. Just remember, you belong here. You belong with me.” I fall into his beautiful blue eyes and relax. I see nothing but calm sincerity. He nods at Mark, who leaves the limo first. Luke follows, then helps me to my feet. The second his head pops out, the flashes and shouts start. He tucks my hand into the crook of his left elbow and Mark flanks me to my left, covering me from all angles. He looks everywhere at once, yet his face remains passive.

Luke waves at the crowd with confidence. I try my best to smile as I’m blinded by a million flashes. We walk down the red carpet and Luke slows so I can manage the steps in my heels. “Luke! Who’s the pretty lady? Where have you been hiding her? Over here gorgeous, what’s your name?”Click, click, flash, flash.

“Just tune it out. We’re almost there,” Luke says in my ear.

I take another deep breath and nod. I feel like I’m in a fishbowl as people shout from all sides. Police officers stand alert and ready nearby, but don’t interfere. I remember John telling me about how crazy it gets during celebrity events in San Diego. I never thought I’d be on this side of those barriers.

We get to the top of the stairs and Luke pauses. “I have to give a quick interview. Stay with Mark, ok?”

“Ok.” Mark moves in close to me as Luke releases my hand after a quick squeeze. He meets with a journalist about twenty feet away. The camera turns on after he greets her. He answers her questions with a big grin, but I can’t hear what they’re saying. A few minutes in, he faces me and the camera points in my direction. The journalist follows his gaze to me and she smiles as they continue their conversation.

“What was that about?” I ask Mark.

“My guess is he outed you as his girlfriend. Idiot can’t keep his mouth shut about you.”

I can’t help but grin. I can’t shut up about him either. Poor John is probably sick of him.

Luke returns a few minutes later and we head inside, where it’s much quieter. Muted conversation flows across the roped off lobby where people gather. I hold on to Luke’s bicep as we check out the items for the silent auction. “Let me know if something catches your eye and we’ll bid on it,” he says. Like I have any claim to his fortune.

He chuckles like he’s reading my mind and leans down to place a chaste kiss on the corner of my mouth. The gesture seems more intimate in this setting. He puts my hand in the crook of his elbow again and we continue down the row of auction items.

People come up and say hello. Every single one of them looks elegant and poised, an air of superiority around them. Luke doesn’t don that persona, but he’s different. I doubt anyone recognizes it, because he’s charming and gracious, but his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

I see a glimpse of the Luke I know when he places his hand on my back and introduces me as his girlfriend. He meets my gaze every time, and it sends a heatwave through my body. Or maybe it’s hot in here? I can’t tell. It’s all turning into a blur.