“This is my girlfriend, Liv. This is my dad’s best friend and the CFO of Reilly Tech. Edgar Hamilton.” I love the way Luke presses his hand to the small of my back as he introduces me. There’s something powerful in the simple gesture. The thought that he wants to claim me still boggles my mind.

I shake Edgar’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you, my dear.”

“Nice to meet you, Edgar.”

“Please, call me Ed. I have to get going, but save me a dance tonight?” He releases my hand and I nod.

“Of course.”

“Perfect. I’ll see you both later. Nice to meet you, Liv,” Edgar says. He smiles and waves before disappearing into a nearby office.

Luke takes my hand, and we continue. At the end of the hall, we stop at an open door and he wraps his knuckles on the doorframe.

“Come in!” A throaty female voice calls.

We step into the gigantic corner office. The walls are a soft bluish gray and the furniture is dark wood with glass accents. Framed drawings of flowers and trees decorate the walls. Behind the enormous wooden desk, near the floor to ceiling windows taking up two walls of the corner office, is the most powerful looking woman I’ve ever seen. She stands up and moves to meet us. She’s wearing a black power suit with a white blouse that makes my pant suit seem like sweats and a holey t-shirt.

Her high ponytail falls straight to her upper back and is a few shades darker than Luke’s. Her eyes are the same sparkling green as Skye’s. She wears pointed toe stilettos like she’s been wearing them her entire life. My girl crush deepens with each step towards her.

“Emilia, this is Liv.” Luke puts his hand to my lower back again, and Emilia tracks the gesture with a small grin. She holds her hand out and we shake.

“So nice to meet you, Emilia.”

“Likewise.” God, she’s so cool. “Luke tells me you work at a law firm?”

I glance at him, then nod. “Yes, I’m the receptionist.” I don’t see any judgment in her gaze, but I can’t help but feel self-conscious about my life choices in front of her.

“So you must be good with people. That’s an excellent skill to have."

There’s an awkward silence as I try to figure something else to say, but she turns to Luke. “You sticking around?”

He frowns. “Not unless you need me for something. I was going to get Liv settled at the hotel.”

She grins. “Is that what kids are calling it these days?”

Luke rolls his eyes and I try but fail not to blush.

She lets out a throaty laugh. “Just because I’m an old married lady doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten what the honeymoon phase is like.” She grins with a mischievous glint in her eyes, and I see the resemblance to Luke.

“You’ve been married for three years. Don’t tell me Xander let the romance die already,” Luke says with a matching grin.

“Hardly.” She winks and Luke laughs.

She turns her attention to me. “Are you ready for tonight?”

I glance at Luke. “I’m excited.”

“I wish I could be there, but Xander and I have our date night tonight. Next time you’re in town, why don’t you guys come over for dinner?”

Luke smiles at me and I nod. I appreciate her warm welcome. “That sounds amazing.”

She grins. “Perfect. I’m looking forward to getting to know the woman who can get this guy’s attention.” She hooks a thumb in Luke’s direction and I chuckle.

Her phone rings and she heads over to her desk.

“We’re going to head out. I’ll see you in a few weeks,” Luke calls after her.

She nods and waves at him. “Nice to meet you, Liv.” She picks up the phone before I can respond.