He moves closer and studies my face. “What are you thinking?”

“Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne.” I don’t know why I say it out loud, but my brain is having a hard time focusing. His lips quirk up as the worry in his gaze fades, making way for hope.


“If Superman and Batman had a baby, that’d be you.”

His throaty laugh warms my soul. “That’s your takeaway, huh?”

I shrug. “I don’t have a frame of reference for this.”

He nods. “That’s fair.”

I gaze at his chest, unable to meet his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “Luke, I don’t understand. I have nothing to offer you. I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life.”

“Liv, look at me.”

I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut, gathering strength. Our eyes lock and he speaks.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you for a single second since I laid eyes on you in that alley. You’re smart, beautiful, and kind. I want to start something with you and that fucking terrifies me, but the way you make me feel...” he sucks in a breath. I stare at him, mesmerized by his words and the conviction behind them.

He takes both of my hands in his. “I know I’d be making a huge mistake if I didn’t pursue something with you. I don’t care that you think you don’t have your life together. I’ll show you how amazing you are, and over time, I hope you’ll make room for me in that big heart of yours.”

His words chip at the wall I’ve erected around my heart, laid brick by brick with every insecurity I have, including the hardened roof that Jeremy built by cheating on me. I want to believe him. I want him to blow the roof off.

When I don’t respond, I see hesitance in the tightness of his eyes.

“Do you feel this crazy pull between us or am I making a complete fool of myself here?” he asks.

Tears well in my eyes. Of course I feel it too. He’s amazing. But am I willing to open myself up to potential heartbreak again?

They say relationships suck until they don’t. What if this powerful connection is the universe’s way of telling me I can trust him? His eyes shine with worry, making him seem vulnerable. Jesus, he’s beautiful. Inside and out.

“I feel it too.”

He smiles, his posture relaxing somewhat. “I know this is a lot to dump in your lap for a second date, but being with me comes with some baggage most people don’t have to deal with.”

“What do you mean?”

He looks to the side as he considers his words. “People have expectations for someone in my position. Expectations that I rarely meet. I’m the dark horse in my world. They don’t understand me, but I like it that way. Unfortunately, there are people who try to take advantage of that. Sometimes they’re dangerous people. Mark is more than just my friend. He’s my bodyguard.”

I nod as a smile forms. “He was talking about you tonight. You’re the dickhead who tests his patience.”

He laughs. “You caught that, huh? That was a cheap shot at my expense. He hates lying on my behalf.”

“Do you get threatened or harassed a lot?”

He tilts his head from side to side. “Sometimes. I’ve stayed out of the spotlight for the past few years. But if people find out I’m dating again, we’ll get unwanted attention.” He pauses and releases my hands to rub the back of his neck.

He looks to the side and lets out a breath. “I’m sorry, this isn’t coming out right. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to talk about this. But you’ve been so open with me, I didn’t want to keep it from you any longer. There’s no ultimatum here, but if we continue past this date, you’ll need to be prepared. I make it a point to stay out of the public eye, but I can already tell that won’t be possible with you in my life.”

I try to wrap my head around his wealth, the power that it entails, but I can’t seem to grasp onto anything tangible because the man sitting in front of me doesn’t fit into any of the stereotypes. He’s not trying to impress me with fancy cars and luxury. He’s only showing me who he is. I smile and the creases in his forehead disappear.

“Thank you for telling me. I’m sure it wasn’t easy. It’s going to take some time for me to wrap my brain around it.”

He takes my hand again. “Take all the time you need. There’s no rush.” He kisses my knuckles as my mind whirls with everything he’s said tonight. Within minutes we’ve gone from friendly banter to talking about our future. I can tell that Luke is the type of guy who goes after what he wants and doesn’t hold back. That he wants me is mind boggling, but a thrill shoots through me. Could this work? Middle class going nowhere, city girl and the ambitious billionaire? As crazy as it seems, maybe it will. But is it worth the risk?Yes!I don’t know where the thought comes from but it makes me smile.

He brings my hand into his lap with a gentle squeeze. “I’m sure you have more questions. Ask away. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”