“Lets see… I’m a huge football fan. Go LA!”
He chuckles.
“What? Oh God, don’t tell me you’re an Oakland fan?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “God, no. You might not believe this, but Brody Metzer is my best friend from high school. We’re still close.”
I blink at him. “The quarterback for LA? He’s your friend?” I squeak.
He nods.
“Did we just become best friends?” I ask, and he laughs again.
“I hope so.” We share some intense eye contact then his grip tightens as we cross the street, making me smile at his protectiveness.
“We should go to a game. I’ll introduce you.”
I blink up at him as he walks. Football season doesn’t start for another few months. He wants to keep me around that long? “Oh my God. I would die.”
He chuckles. “I wouldn’t want to be responsible for that.”
I nudge his arm with my shoulder. “Ok, I wouldn’t die. But I’d fangirl and make a complete fool of myself. It would be worth it though.”
He laughs. “That I can handle.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol, or the amazing night I’m having, but I wiggle my shoulders and bounce as we walk. Luke’s lips quirk up. I cut off mid bounce and curse myself for letting the crazy out too soon.
I blush and tuck my hair behind my ear. “Sorry, I know that’s annoying.”
He stops me in the middle of the sidewalk. “What the hell are you talking about? It was adorable.”
Stunned, I search his gaze for truth. I remember his reaction to my finger guns and relax. He likes my weirdness. It always embarrassed Jeremy, and it became second nature for me to hide it.
He watches my expression with interest, then smiles and shakes his head before continuing on.
“Were you serious? About taking me to a game?” I ask.
He glances at me as we come to a stop at the next street and he pushes the crosswalk button.
“Absolutely,” he says.
“John will be so jealous.” I bite my lip and giggle. Luke smiles and adjusts his grip, wrapping his long fingers around mine.
“Is he a fan too?”
“You have no idea. He would fangirl worse than me.”
He laughs. “I have a hard time picturing that, so we’re definitely bringing him along.”
“I’d love to see that too,” I say.
“It’s a date then.” He grins at me for a second, then continues walking when the crosswalk man lights up.
I’m giddy with excitement. Not only is he making plans for the future, butholyfuckingshitBRODY METZER!
“So I wonder what else we have in common, besides football teams?” he asks.
“Hmm... favorite color?”