

I scratch at my short beard and stare at the phone in my hand. It’s been three days since I’ve seen Liv and I’m going out of my mind. I caved and told the guys about our fro-yo date and the fact that I was even considering pursuing something more with Liv. They were all positive about it, but I’m nervous as fuck. I know myself. If I commit to Liv, I’ll go all in. I don’t have any other setting. But what if it all goes to shit? What if she can’t handle my world?

I set the phone on the desk, ignoring Brando’s frustrated curses. I’m getting ahead of myself. We met a week ago. Why am I worried about commitment? Maybe I’m reading too much into it.

Mark leans against the doorframe of our office with his arms crossed. “The worst she could say is no. What do you have to lose?”

“I don’t know, you’re in charge of my security, you tell me the risk.”

Mark’s eyes fly to the ceiling, and he sighs. “The risk is high, but so is the reward.”

“Not helping.”

“I’ve never seen you like this over a girl. Is she that special?” Mark asks.

“Dude, she’s perfect for him. Which is why he’s freaked out. It’s pretty pathetic. This motherfucker will run headfirst into a firefight, but he can’t send one fucking text.” Brando shakes his head in mock disappointment. He’s just goading me, but it’s kind of working.

I pick up the phone, pull up my text app, and click on her name. The cursor blinks at me like it’s as impatient as my friends. I glance at Brando, who offers me a hard glare, then at Mark who nods in encouragement. With a heavy sigh, I go for it, my fingers typing fast, and hit send before I can second guess it.

Me: Hi Liv. It’s Luke. Not sure if you’ve saved my number. You free for that taco date on Saturday? I know this bar that has killer tacos.

She responds right away, much to my relief.

Liv: Yes :) That sounds fun.

“What did she say?” Brando leans toward my phone. I turn it so he can read the text.

My nerves shift into the next gear. Maybe it’s too soon for a one on one. I was a bumbling fucking idiot when I took her for fro-yo. Tripping over myself because I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I don’t know if I can handle an entire night alone with her without fucking it up somehow. My dating game is rusty. Every worst-case scenario pops in my head. I type again as my heart pounds in my chest.

Me: Great! I’ll send you the address. Bring a friend or two. Brando likes blondes ;)

I hit send, then my eyes widen.Fuck, fuck, fuck.Why did I do that? I scrub a hand through my hair as Brando yanks the phone from me.

He sighs. “You’re a fucking moron, you know that?”

My phone dings, and he grins when he reads the message. “Nevermind, I take it back.”

I snatch the phone back and read the message.

Liv: I have one of those :)

“What are you hens clucking about?” Jackson slides past Mark, who doesn’t budge from the doorway.

“Luke is being a pussy,” Brando says matter-of-factly.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Jackson leans against Brando’s desk and faces me.

“We’re going on a group date with Liv,” Brando says.

Jackson snickers. “Cool. I was wondering when we’d get around to sharing a woman.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Jesus Christ. I close my eyes and clench my fists so I don’t murder these assholes. After a calming breath, I relax and face them.

“I can’t fuck this up. I like her. A lot.”

Their playful expressions turn serious and they share a glance with Mark.