

About an hour before he leaves for the airport, Dad pulls me aside and we sit on the couch. Dylan was released from the hospital a few days ago and sits with Garrett at the kitchen island. They’re both wearing earbuds and watching something on tablets. Luke and Mark are at the office. They’ve already said goodbye to my dad. Mark got a handshake, plus a hug and a sincere thank you. Luke got a businesslike handshake and a hard stare.

“Livvie, I have something I need to tell you.”

I’ve been waiting for him to bring up Barbara.

“Your mom is moving into town so we can be closer to each other. Spend more time together.” I stare at him in shock.

“Are you getting back together with her?” I’m proud of how calm my voice is as I try to squash my rising anger.

He looks at me as dread forms deep in my gut. “I don’t know. I’m being cautious, but she’s changed Livvie. She had to sell her house to afford the medical bills for her late husband. He passed from cancer about a year ago. She wants a fresh start.”

“With you?”

He sighs and runs his hand over his hair. “She understands my hesitance, and is giving me time to think it over. But yes, I believe that’s her intention. She wanted to be here for you, but she knows you and John aren’t as ready to forgive her as I am.”

Something about all this is wrong. I wish I could explain it to him, but I don’t understand it myself. I take his hand and meet his eyes. “Dad, please. Be careful. I don’t trust her. I have a bad feeling about this.”

He puts his other hand over mine and squeezes. “I appreciate you looking out for your old man, but I can handle this. Whatever happens is on me.”

I sigh and relent with a nod. There’s nothing I can do. He’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever met. “Alright. I can respect that. But if she hurts you again, she better change her name and assume a new identity on the other side of the world.”

He chuckles and wraps me up in a hug. “I’ll buy her the wig and plane ticket myself.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Of course you would.”

“Do you think you’d ever be willing to sit down with her? She wants to make things right with you guys.”

I press my lips together and he sighs. “Don’t let your anger blind you, Liv.”

“Don’t let your misplaced sense of responsibility blind you, Dad.”

He frowns and shakes his head. “You’re just like your father.”

I smirk. “Thank you.”

He laughs. “I can respect your decision, but the door is always open.”

We didn’t start screaming at each other, so that’s a win.

“I love you, dad.” We hug and he rubs my back.

“I love you too, Livvie.”

A little while later, John arrives to take Dad to the airport. I wanted to go with them, but Luke says it’s too dangerous. He puts his hand on Dylan’s good shoulder. “You saved my life too when you saved hers. I’ll never be able to repay you, but you’ll always have a place in our family. If you ever need anything, you call me, you hear?”

Dylan swallows and nods. “Thank you Mr. Sutton. That means a lot.”

“I told you to call me Henry.” He pulls him in for a long hug. Dylan stares at the ceiling as his eyes water. John pulls him in for a hug next and I hear him call Dylan brother. My heart swells.

My dad turns to Garrett next. “Thank you for watching out for her.”

“Of course,” Garrett says. Dad does a double take and glances at me. “Don’t think I’ll ever get used to you looking like my daughter,” he says. They both chuckle as they hug.

I shed a few tears and hug him about twenty times before he makes it out the door. Garrett gives me a side hug as the door closes. “Your dad is so cool.”