Three days later I sit in Dylan’s hospital room, curled up on the sofa by the window facing him as he attempts to get Jell-O onto his spoon one handed. He’s refused my help twice already, so I watch him struggle.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He talks while he concentrates on the Jell-O, the tip of his tongue sticking out.

“Maybe a little.”

“That’s because you’re an asshole.”

His swift recovery is nothing short of miraculous. His surly attitude returned yesterday and even the doctors are marveling at his quick progress.

He slams his spoon down on the tray and shoves it away. “I don’t even want the fucking Jell-O, anyway.”

I roll my eyes and stand, picking up the spoon and the cup. “You’re the biggest baby ever, do you know that?”

He eyes me with suspicion. “I swear to God if you do a baby voice and bring the airplane to the hangar, I will take you off my visitor’s list.”

My lips quirk up. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

He watches me for a full minute, then sighs. “Fine. Thank you for your help,” he deadpans.

I chuckle and scoop the Jell-O onto the spoon and bring it to his mouth. He eats it and sighs as he swallows. “Damn, that shit is good.”

I laugh and shovel more into his mouth as he grins. “So, I met your dad yesterday.”

“I know. He’s already told me I should dump Luke for you.”

He scrunches up his face. “Ew.”

I narrow my gaze at him. “I’ll try not to take that personally. But yes, I said something similar.”

He laughs and opens his mouth as I put the last scoop in. He hands me the unopened cup and I feed that to him too.

“Luke’s lucky to get such a cool father-in-law. Your dad is a badass.”

I heave out a sigh.

“What’s that about? Figured you get gooey eyes with that comment.”

“Did you miss the part where I said my dad wants me to dump Luke?”

“Oh. You were serious.”

I nod. “Yup.” I put more Jell-O in his mouth and he sucks it down.

“Well, I can understand to a certain degree. This crazy shit show is because you’re attached to him. And I’m fucking awesome. So I get it.”

“He seems to miss the part where it’s my choice. I chose this crazy shit show. And I have zero regrets. I love Luke.”

“You don’t need to convince me. How is he doing?”

I sigh again as he finishes the last scoop. I set the empty cup and the spoon on the tray and return to the sofa. “Busy. He spends most of his time at the office at Reilly Tech. They won’t tell me a lot. I think they’re trying to figure out who did this. It was clear Scotty was working for someone.” I blink when I realize how easily I said his name.

“I agree.”

“Luke carries a lot of guilt about it. He won’t let me tell him otherwise, though. I’m worried.” I bite my lip and stare at his blanket.

“Worried about what?”

“He’s pulling away from me, and I don’t know how to stop it.”